Anesthetic potency is currently described by the minimal alveolar concentration (MAC) required to prevent a response to a surgical incision (see Topic: What Does Anesthesia Represent & Where Does It Work?).
anesthetics (like intravenous anesthetics, discussed later) decrease the
metabolic activity of the brain. Decreased cerebral metabolic rate (CMR)
generally reduces blood flow within the brain. However, volatile anesthetics
also cause cerebral vasodilation, which can increase cerebral blood flow. The
net effect on cerebral blood flow (increase, decrease, or no change) depends on
the concentration of anesthetic delivered. At 0.5 MAC, the reduction in CMR is
greater than the vasodilation caused by the anesthetic, so cerebral blood flow
is decreased. Conversely, at 1.5 MAC, vasodilation by the anesthetic is greater
than the reduction in CMR, so cerebral blood flow is increased. In between, at
1.0 MAC, the effects are balanced and cerebral blood flow is unchanged. An
increase in cerebral blood flow is clinically undesirable in patients who have
increased intracranial pressure because of brain tumor, intracranial
hemorrhage, or head injury. Therefore, administration of high concentrations of
volatile anes-thetics is undesirable in patients with increased intracranial
pressure. Hyperventilation can be used to attenuate this response; decreas-ing
the PaCO2 (the partial pressure of carbon dioxide in arterial blood)
through hyperventilation causes cerebral vasoconstriction. If the patient is
hyperventilated before the volatile agent is started, the increase in
intracranial pressure can be minimized.
oxide can increase cerebral blood flow and cause increased intracranial
pressure. This effect is most likely caused by activation of the sympathetic
nervous system (as described above).Therefore, nitrous oxide may be combined
with other agents (intravenous anesthetics) or techniques (hyperventilation)
that reduce cerebral blood flow in patients with increased intracranial
inhaled anesthetics produce a basic pattern of change to brain electrical
activity as recorded by standard electroencephalog-raphy (EEG). Isoflurane,
desflurane, sevoflurane, halothane, and enflurane produce initial activation of
the EEG at low doses and then slowing of electrical activity up to doses of
1.0–1.5 MAC. At higher concentrations, EEG suppression increases to the point
of electrical silence with isoflurane at 2.0–2.5 MAC. Isolated epilep-tic-like
patterns may also be seen between 1.0 and 2.0 MAC, especially with sevoflurane
and enflurane, but frank clinical seizure activity has been observed only with
enflurane. Nitrous oxide used alone causes fast electrical oscillations
emanating from the frontal cortex at doses associated with analgesia and
depressed consciousness.Traditionally, anesthetic effects on the brain produce
four stages or levels of increasing depth of CNS depression (Guedel’s signs,
derived from observations of the effects of inhaled diethyl ether): Stage I—analgesia: The patient
initially experiences analgesiawithout amnesia. Later in stage I, both
analgesia and amnesia are produced. Stage
II—excitement: During this stage, the patient appears delirious, may
vocalize but is completely amnesic. Respiration is rapid, and heart rate and
blood pressure increase. Duration and severity of this light stage of
anesthesia is shortened by rapidly increasing the concentration of the agent. Stage III—surgical anesthesia: This
stage begins with slowing of respiration and heart rate and extends to complete
cessation of spontaneous respiration (apnea). Four planes of stage III are
described based on changes in ocular movements, eye reflexes, and pupil size,
indicating increasing depth of anesthesia. StageIV—medullary
depression: This deep stage of anesthesia repre-sents severe depression of
the CNS, including the vasomotor center in the medulla and respiratory center
in the brainstem. Without circulatory and respiratory support, death would
rapidly ensue.
enflurane, isoflurane, desflurane, and sevoflurane all depress normal cardiac
contractility (halothane and enflurane more so than isoflurane, desflurane, and
sevoflurane). As a result, all volatile agents tend to decrease mean arterial pressure
in direct proportion to their alveolar concentration. With halothane and
enflurane, the reduced arterial pressure is caused primarily by myocardial
depression (reduced cardiac output) and there is little change in systemic
vascular resistance. In contrast, isoflurane, desflurane, and sevoflurane
produce greater vasodilation with minimal effect on cardiac output. These
differences may have important implications for patients with heart failure.
Because isoflurane, desflurane, and sevoflurane better preserve cardiac out-put
as well as reduce preload (ventricular filling) and afterload (systemic
vascular resistance), these agents may be better choices for patients with
impaired myocardial function.
oxide also depresses myocardial function in a concen-tration-dependent manner.
This depression may be significantly offset by a concomitant activation of the
sympathetic nervous sys-tem resulting in preservation of cardiac output.
Therefore, admin-istration of nitrous oxide in combination with the more potent
volatile anesthetics can minimize circulatory depressant effects by both
anesthetic-sparing and sympathetic-activating actions.
all inhaled anesthetics produce a dose-dependent decrease in arterial blood
pressure, activation of autonomic ner-vous system reflexes may trigger
increased heart rate. However, halothane, enflurane, and sevoflurane have
little effect on heart rate, probably because they attenuate baroreceptor input
into the autonomic nervous system. Desflurane and isoflurane significantly
increase heart rate because they cause less depression of the barore-ceptor
reflex. In addition, desflurane can trigger transient sympa-thetic
activation—with elevated catecholamine levels—to cause marked increases in
heart rate and blood pressure during adminis-tration of high desflurane
concentrations or when desflurane concentrations are changed rapidly.
anesthetics tend to reduce myocardial oxygen con-sumption, which reflects
depression of normal cardiac contractility and decreased arterial blood
pressure. In addition, inhaled anes-thetics produce coronary vasodilation. The
net effect of decreased oxygen demand and increased coronary flow (oxygen
supply) is improved myocardial oxygenation. However, other factors such as
surgical stimulation, intravascular volume status, blood oxygen levels, and
withdrawal of perioperative β blockers, may tilt the oxygen supply-demand
balance toward myocardial ischemia.
and, to a lesser extent, other volatile anesthetics sensitize the myocardium to
epinephrine and circulating catecholamines. Ventricular arrhythmias may occur
when patientsunder anesthesia with halothane are given sympathomimetic drugs or
have high circulating levels of endogenous catecholamines (eg, anxious
patients, administration of epinephrine-containing local anesthetics,
inadequate intraoperative anesthesia or analgesia, patients with
pheochromocytomas). This effect is less marked for isoflurane, sevoflurane, and
volatile anesthetics possess varying degrees of bronchodilating properties, an
effect of value in patients with active wheezing and in status asthmaticus.
However, airway irritation, which may pro-voke coughing or breath-holding, is
induced by the pungency of some volatile anesthetics. The pungency of
isoflurane and desflu-rane makes these agents less suitable for induction of
anesthesia in patients with active bronchospasm. These reactions rarely occur
with halothane and sevoflurane, which are considered nonpungent. Therefore, the
bronchodilating action of halothane and sevoflurane makes them the agents of
choice in patients with underlying airway problems. Nitrous oxide is also
nonpungent and can facilitate inha-lational induction of anesthesia in a
patient with bronchospasm.The control of breathing is significantly affected by
inhaled anesthetics. With the exception of nitrous oxide, all inhaled
anes-thetics in current use cause a dose-dependent decrease in tidal volume and
an increase in respiratory rate (rapid shallow breath-ing pattern). However,
the increase in respiratory rate varies among agents and does not fully
compensate for the decrease in tidal volume, resulting in a decrease in
alveolar ventilation. In addition, all volatile anesthetics are respiratory
depressants, as defined by a reduced ventilatory response to increased levels
of carbon dioxide in the blood. The degree of ventilatory depression varies
among the volatile agents, with isoflurane and enflurane being the most
depressant. By this hypoventilation mechanism, all volatile anesthetics
increase the resting level of PaCO2.Volatile anesthetics also raise
the apneic threshold (PaCO2 level below which apnea occurs through
lack of CO2-driven respiratory stimulation) and decrease the
ventilatory response to hypoxia. In practice, the respiratory depressant
effects of anesthetics are over-come by assisting (controlling) ventilation
mechanically. The ventilatory depression produced by inhaled anesthetics may be
counteracted by surgical stimulation; however, low, subanesthetic
concentrations of volatile anesthetic present after surgery in the early
recovery period can continue to depress the compensatory increase in
ventilation normally caused by hypoxia.Inhaled anesthetics also depress
mucociliary function in the airway. During prolonged exposure to inhaled
anesthetics, mucus pooling and plugging may result in atelectasis and the
develop-ment of postoperative respiratory complications, including hypox-emia
and respiratory infections.
anesthetics tend to decrease glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and urine flow.
Renal blood flow may also be decreased by some agents but filtration fraction
is increased, implying that autoregulatory control of efferent arteriole tone
helps compensate and limits the reduction in GFR. In general these anesthetic effects
are minor compared with the stress of surgery itself and usually reversible
after discontinuation of the anesthetic.
anesthetics cause a concentration-dependent decrease in portal vein blood flow
that parallels the decline in cardiac output produced by these agents. However,
total hepatic blood flow may be relatively preserved as hepatic artery blood
flow to the liver may increase or stay the same. Although transient changes in
liver func-tion tests may occur following exposure to volatile anesthetics,
per-sistent elevation in liver enzymes is rare except following repeated
exposures to halothane (see Toxicity of Anesthetic Agents).
oxide appears to have little effect on uterine musculature. However, the
halogenated anesthetics are potent uterine muscle relaxants and produce this
effect in a concentration-dependent fashion. This pharmacologic effect can be
helpful when profound uterine relaxation is required for intrauterine fetal
manipulation or manual extraction of a retained placenta during delivery.
However, it can also lead to increased uterine bleeding.
Nephrotoxicity—Metabolism of enflurane
and sevofluranemay generate compounds that are potentially nephrotoxic.
Although their metabolism can liberate nephrotoxic fluoride ions, significant
renal injury has been reported only for enflurane with prolonged exposure. The
insolubility and rapid elimination of sevoflurane may prevent toxicity. This
drug may be degraded by carbon dioxide absorbents in anesthesia machines to
form a nephrotoxic vinyl ether compound termed “compound A” which, in high
concentrations, has caused proximal tubular necrosis in rats. Nevertheless,
there have been no reports of renal injury in humans receiving sevoflurane
anesthesia. Moreover, exposure to sevoflurane does not produce any change in
standard markers of renal function.
Hematotoxicity—Prolonged exposure to nitrous oxidedecreases methionine synthase activity, which theoretically could cause megaloblastic anemia. Megaloblastic bone marrow changes have been observed in patients after 12-hour exposure to 50% nitrous oxide. Chronic exposure of dental personnel to nitrous oxide in inadequately ventilated dental operating suites is a poten-tial occupational hazard.
inhaled anesthetics can produce some carbon monoxide (CO) from their
interaction with strong bases in dry carbon diox-ide absorbers. CO binds to hemoglobin
with high affinity, reduc-ing oxygen delivery to tissues. Desflurane produces
the most CO, and intraoperative formation of CO has been reported. CO
pro-duction can be avoided simply by using fresh carbon dioxide absorbent and
by preventing its complete desiccation.
Malignant hyperthermia—Malignant hyperthermia
is aheritable genetic disorder of skeletal muscle that occurs in
susceptibleindividuals exposed to volatile anesthetics while undergoing
gen-eral anesthesia (Table 16–4). The depolarizing muscle relaxant
succinylcholine may also trigger malignant hyper-thermia. The malignant
hyperthermia syndrome consists of mus-cle rigidity, hyperthermia, rapid onset
of tachycardia and hypercapnia, hyperkalemia, and metabolic acidosis following
exposure to one or more triggering agents. Malignant hyper-thermia is a rare
but important cause of anesthetic morbidity and mortality. The specific
biochemical abnormality is an increase in free cytosolic calcium concentration
in skeletal muscle cells. Treatment includes administration of dantrolene (to reduce cal-cium release
from the sarcoplasmic reticulum) and appropriate measures to reduce body
temperature and restore electrolyte and acid-base balance .
hyperthermia susceptibility is characterized by genetic heterogeneity, and
several predisposing clinical myopathies have been identified. It has been
associated with mutations in the gene coding for the skeletal muscle ryanodine
receptor (RyR1), the calcium release channel on the sarcoplasmic reticulum, and
mutant alleles of the gene encoding the α1 subunit of the human skeletal muscle L-type
voltage-dependent calcium channel. However, the genetic loci identified to date
account for less than 50% of malignant hyperthermia-susceptible individuals,
and genetic testing cannot definitively determine malignant hyper-thermia
susceptibility. Currently, the most reliable test to establish susceptibility
is the in vitro caffeine-halothane contracture test using skeletal muscle
biopsy samples.
Hepatotoxicity (halothane hepatitis)—Hepatic dysfunc-tion following surgery and general anesthesia is most likely caused by hypovolemic shock, infection conferred by blood transfusion, or other surgical stresses rather than by volatile anesthetic toxicity. However, a small subset of individuals previously exposed to halothane has developed fulminant hepatic failure. The incidence of severe hepatotoxicity following exposure to halothane is esti-mated to be in the range of 1 in 20,000–35,000. The mechanisms underlying halothane hepatotoxicity remain unclear, but studies in animals implicate the formation of reactive metabolites that either cause direct hepatocellular damage (eg, free radicals) or initiate immune-mediated responses. Cases of hepatitis following exposure to other volatile anesthetics, including enflurane, isoflu-rane, and desflurane, have rarely been reported.
1. Mutagenicity, teratogenicity,
and reproductive effects— Under normal conditions, inhaled anesthetics including nitrous
oxide are neither mutagens nor carcinogens in patients. Nitrous oxide can be
directly teratogenic in animals under conditions of extremely high exposure.
Halothane, enflurane, isoflurane, desflu-rane, and sevoflurane may be
teratogenic in rodents as a result of physiologic changes associated with the
anesthesia rather than through a direct teratogenic effect.
most consistent finding in surveys conducted to determine the reproductive
success of female operating room personnel has been a questionably
higher-than-expected incidence of miscarriages
there are several problems in interpreting these studies. The association of
obstetric problems with surgery and anesthesia in pregnant patients is also an
important consideration. In the USA, at least 50,000 pregnant women each year
undergo anesthesia and surgery for indications unrelated to pregnancy. The risk
of abortion is clearly higher following this experience. It is not obvious,
how-ever, whether the underlying disease, surgery, anesthesia, or a
com-bination of these factors is the cause of the increased risk
Carcinogenicity—Epidemiologic studies suggested anincrease in
the cancer rate in operating room personnel who were exposed to trace
concentrations of anesthetic agents. However, no study has demonstrated the
existence of a causal relationship between anesthetics and cancer. Many other
factors might account for the questionably positive results seen after a
careful review of epidemiologic data. Most operating rooms now use scavenging
systems to remove trace concentrations of anesthetics released from anesthetic
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