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Chapter: Embedded Systems Design : Real-time operating systems

Memory management address translation

While the use of memory management usually implies the use of an operating system to remove the time-consuming job of defining and writing the driver software, it does not mean that every operating system supports memory management.

Memory management address translation


While the use of memory management usually implies the use of an operating system to remove the time-consuming job of defining and writing the driver software, it does not mean that every operating system supports memory management.

Many do not or are extremely limited in the type of memory management facilities that they support. For operating systems that do support it, the designer can access standard software that controls the translation of logical addresses to different physical addresses as shown in the diagram.


In this example, the processor thinks that it is accessing memory at the bottom of its memory map, while in reality it is being fetched from different locations in the main memory map. The memory does not even need to be contiguous: the processor’s single block or memory can be split into smaller blocks, each with a different translation address.

This address translation is extremely powerful and allows the embedded system designer many options to provide greater fault detection and/or security within the system or even cost reduction through the use of virtual memory. The key point is that memory management divides the processor memory map into definable regions with different properties such as read and write only access for one way data transfers and task or process specific memory access.


If no memory management hardware is present, most operating systems can replace their basic address translation facility with a software-based scheme, provided code is written to be position independent and relocatable. The more sophisticated techniques start to impose a large software overhead which in many cases is hard to justify within a simple system. Address translation is often necessary to execute programs in different locations from that in which they were generated. This allows the reuse of existing software modules and facilitates the easy transfer of software from a prototype to a final system.


The relocation techniques are based on additional software built into the program loader or even into the operating system itself. If the operating system program loader cannot allocate the original memory, the program is relocated into the next available block and the program allowed to execute. Relocatable code does not have any immediate addressing values and makes extensive use of program relative addressing. Data areas or software sub-routines are not referenced explicitly but are located by relative addressing modes using offsets:


                Explicit addressing


e.g. branch to subroutine at address $0F04FF.


                Relative addressing

e.g. branch to subroutine which is offset from here by $50 bytes.

Provided the offsets are maintained, then the relative ad-dressing will locate data and code wherever the blocks are located in memory. Most modern compilers will use these techniques but do not assume that all of them do.


There are alternative ways of manipulating addresses to provide address translation, however.


Bank switching


When the first 8 bit processors became available with their 64 kbytes memory space, there were many comments concerning whether there was a need for this amount of memory. When the IBM PC appeared with its 640 kbyte memory map, the same comments were made and here we are today using PCs that probably have 32 Mbytes of RAM. The problem faced by many of the early processor architectures with a small 64 kbyte memory map is how the space can be expanded without having to change the architecture and increase register sizes and so on.


One technique that is used is that of bank switching. With this technique, additional bits are used to select different banks of memory. Each bank is the full 64 kbytes in size and is used in the normal way. By writing to the individual selection bits, an indi-vidual bank can be selected and used. It could be argued that this is no different from adding additional address bits. Using two selection bits will support four 64 kbyte banks giving a total memory space of 256 kbytes. This is the same amount of memory that can be addressed by increasing the number of address bits from 16 to 18. The difference, however, is that adding address bits implies that the programming model and processor knows about the wider address space and can use it. With bank switching, this is not the case, and the control and manipulation of the banks is under the control of the program that the processor is running. In other words, the processor itself has no knowledge that bank switching is taking place. It simply sees the normal 64 kbyte address space.


This approach is frequently used with microcontrollers that have either small external address spaces or alternatively limited external address buses. The selection bits are created by dedicat-ing bits from the microcontroller’s parallel I/O lines and using these to select and switch the external memory banks. The bank switching is controlled by writing to these bits within the I/O port.


This has some interesting repercussions for designs that use a RTOS. The main problem is that the program must understand when the system context is safe enough to allow a bank switch to be made. This means that system entities such as data structures, buffers and anything else that is stored in memory including program software must fit into the boundaries created by the bank switching.


This can be fairly simple but it can also be extremely complex. If the bank switching is used to extend a database, for example, the switching can be easy to control by inserting a check for a memory bank boundary. Records 1–100 could be in bank A, with bank B holding records 101–200. By checking the record number, the software can switch between the banks as needed. Such an implementation could define a subroutine as the access point to the data and within this routine the bank switching is managed so that it is transparent to the rest of the software.


Using bank switching to support large stacks or data struc-tures on the other hand is more difficult because the mechanisms that use the data involve both automatic and software controlled access. Interrupts can cause stacks to be incremented automati-cally and there is no easy way of checking for an overflow and then incorporating the bank switching and so on needed to use it.


In summary, bank switching is used and there are 8 bit processors that have dedicated bits to support it but the software issues to use it are immense. As a result, it is frequently left for the system designer to figure out a way to use it within a design. As a result, few, if any, RTOS environments support this memory model.




Segmentation can be described as a form of bank switching that the processor architecture does know about! It works by providing a large external address bus but maintaining the smaller address registers and pointers within the original 8 bit architec-ture. To bridge the gap, the memory is segmented internally into smaller blocks that match the internal addressing and additional registers known as segment registers are used to hold the addi-tional address data needed to complete the larger external ad-dress.


Probably the most well-known implementation is the Intel 8086 architecture.


Virtual memory


With the large linear addressing offered by today’s 32 bit microprocessors, it is relatively easy to create large software applications which consume vast quantities of memory. While it may be feasible to install 64 Mbytes of RAM in a workstation, the costs are expensive compared with 64 Mbytes of a hard disk. As the memory needs go up, this differential increases. A solution is to use the disk storage as the main storage medium, divide the stored program into small blocks and keep only the blocks in processor system memory that are needed. This technique is known as virtual memory and relies on the presence within the system of a memory management unit.


As the program executes, the MMU can track how the program uses the blocks, and swap them to and from the disk as needed. If a block is not present in memory, this causes a page fault and forces some exception processing which performs the swap-ping operation. In this way, the system appears to have large amounts of system RAM when, in reality, it does not. This virtual memory technique is frequently used in workstations and in the UNIX operating system. Its appeal in embedded systems is lim-ited because of the potential delay in accessing memory that can occur if a block is swapped out to disk.


Choosing an operating system


Comparing an operating system from 10 years ago with one offered today shows how operating system technology has devel-oped over the past years. Although the basic functions provided by the old and the newer operating systems — they all provide multitasking, real-time responses and so on — are still present, there have been some fundamental changes in the improvement in the ease of use, performance and debugging facilities. Compar-ing a present-day car with one from the 1920s is a good analogy. The basic mechanics and principles have largely remained un-changed — that is, the engine, gearbox, brakes, transmission — but there has been a great improvement in the ease of driving, comfort and facilities. This is similar to what has happened with operating systems. The basic mechanisms of context switches, task control blocks, linked lists and so on are the basic fundamen-tals of any operating system or kernel.


As a result, it can be quite difficult to select an operating system. To make such a choice, it is necessary to understand the different ways that operating systems have developed over the years and the advantages that this has brought. The rest of this chapter discusses these changes and can help formulate the crite-ria that can be used to make a decision.

Assembler versus high level language


In the early 1980s, operating systems were developed in response to minicomputer operating systems where the emphasis was on providing the facilities and performance offered by mini-computers. To achieve performance, they were often written in assembler rather than in a high level language such as C or PASCAL. The reason for this was simply one of performance: compiler technology was not advanced enough to provide the compact and fast code needed to run an operating system. For example, many compilers from the early 1980s did not use all the M68000 address and data registers and limited themselves to only one or two. The result was code that was extremely inefficient when compared with hand coded assembler which did use all the processor’s registers.


The disadvantage is that assembler code is harder to write and maintain compared to a high level language and is extremely difficult to migrate to other architectures. In addition, the interface between the operating system and a high level language was not well developed and in some cases non-existent! Writing interface libraries was considered part of the software task.


As both processor performance and compiler technology improved, it became feasible to provide an operating system written in a high level language such as C which provided a seamless integration of the operating system interface and appli-cation development language.


The choice of using assembler or a high level language with some assembler compared to using an integrated operating sys-tem and high level language is fairly obvious. What was accept-able a few years ago is no longer the case and today’s successful operating systems are highly integrated with their compiler tech-nology.


ROMable code


With early operating systems, restrictions in the code devel-opment often prevented operating systems and compilers from generating code that could be blown into read only memory for an embedded application. The reasons were often historic rather than technical, although the argument that most applications were too big to fit into the relatively small size of EPROM that was available was certainly true for many years. Today, most users declare this requirement as mandatory, and it is a standard offer-ing from compilers and operating system vendors alike.


Scheduling algorithms


One area of constant debate is that of the scheduling algo-rithms that are used to select which task is to execute next. There are several different approaches which can be used. The first is to switch tasks only at the end of a time slice. This allows a fairer distribution of the processing power across a large number of tasks but at the expense of response time. Another is to take the first approach but allow certain events to force switch a task even if the current one has not used up all its allotted time slice. This allows external interrupts to get a faster response. Another event that can be used to interrupt the task is an operating system call.


Others have implemented priority systems where a task’s priority and status within the ready list can be changed by itself, the operating system or even by other tasks. Others have a fixed priority system where the level is fixed when the task is created. Some operating systems even allow different scheduling algo-rithms to be implemented so that a designer can change them to give a specific response.


Changing algorithms and so on are usually indicative of trying to squeeze the last bit of performance from the system and in such cases it may be better to use a faster processor, or even in extreme cases actually accept that the operating system cannot meet the required performance and use another.


Pre-emptive scheduling


One consistent requirement that has appeared is that of pre-emptive scheduling. This refers to a particular scheduling algo-rithm where the highest priority task will interrupt or pre-empt a currently executing task irrespective of whether it has used its allotted time slice, and will continue running until a higher level task is ready to. This gives the best response to interrupts and events but can be a little dangerous. If a task is given the highest priority and does not lower its priority or pre-empt itself, then other tasks will not get an opportunity to execute. Therefore the ability to pre-empt is often restricted to special tasks with time critical routines.


Modular approach


The idea of reusing code whenever possible is not a new one but it can be difficult to implement. Obvious candidates with an operating system are device drivers for I/O , and kernels for different processors. The key is in defining a standard interface which allows such modules to be reused without having to alter or change the code. This means that memory maps must not be hardwired, or assumptions made by the driver or operating system. One of the problems with early versions of many operat-ing systems was the fact that it was not until fairly late in their development that a modular approach for device drivers was available. As a result, the standard release included several driv-ers for the same peripheral chip, depending on which VMEbus board it was located.


Today, this approach is no longer acceptable and operating systems are more modular in their approach and design. The advantages for users are far more compact code, shorter develop-ment times and the ability to reuse code. A special driver can be re-used without modification. This coupled with the need to keep up with the number of boards that need standard ports has led to the development of automated build systems that can take modular drivers and create a new version extremely quickly.


Re-entrant code


This follows on from the previous topic but has one funda-mental difference in that a re-entrant software module can be shared be many tasks and also interrupted at any point and reused without any problems. For example, consider module A which is shared by two tasks B and C. If task B uses module A and exits from it, the module will be left in a known state, ready for another task to use it. If task C starts to use it and in the middle of its execution is switched out in favour of task B, then the problem may appear. If task B starts to use module A, it may experience problems because A will be in an indeterminate state. Even if it does not, other problems may still be lurking. If module A uses global variables, then task B will cause them to be reset. When task C returns to continue execution, its global data will have been destroyed.


A re-entrant module can tolerate such interruptions with-out experiencing these types of problems. The golden rule is for the module to only access data associated with the task that is using the module code. Variables are stored on stacks, in registers or in memory areas specific to the task and not to the module. If shared modules are not re-entrant, care must be taken to ensure that a context switch does not occur during its execution. This may mean disabling or locking out the scheduler or dispatcher.


Cross-development platforms


Today, most software development is done on cross-development platforms such as Sun workstations, UNIX systems and IBM PCs. This is in direct contrast to early systems which required a dedicated software development system. The degree of platform support and the availability of good development tools which go beyond the standard of symbolic level debug have become a major product selling point.


Integrated networking


This is another area which is becoming extremely impor-tant. The ability to use a network such as TCP/IP on Ethernet to control target boards, download code and obtain debugging information is fast becoming a mandatory requirement. It is rapidly replacing the more traditional method of using serial RS232 links to achieve the same end.


Multiprocessor support


This is another area which has changed dramatically. Ten years ago it was possible to use multiple processors provided the developer designed and coded all the inter-processor communi-cation. Now, many of today’s operating systems can provide optional modules that will do this automatically. However, mul-tiprocessing techniques are often misunderstood and as this is such a big topic for both hardware and software developers it is treated in more depth later in this text.

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