Isospecificity is determined by the presence of isoantigens or
histocompatibility antigens.
Isoantigens are antigens found in some, but not all, members of a
species. A species may be grouped depending on the pres-ence of different
isoantigens in its members. These are geneti-cally determined. Human
erythrocyte antigens, based on which individuals are classified into different
blood groups, are the best examples of isoantigens in humans. The blood groups
are of primary importance in:
Transfusion of blood and blood products,
Isoimmunization during pregnancy, and
Providing valuable evidence in paternity disputes, the results of
which are supplemented by m ore recent DNA fingerprinting tests.
Histocompatibility antigens are the cellular determinants specific
for each individual of a species. These antigens are associated with the plasma
membrane of tissue cells. Human leukocyte antigen (HLA) is the major
histocom-patibility antigen that determines the homograft rejection. Therefore,
HLA typing is absolutely essential before carrying out transplantation of
tissue or organ from one individual to another.
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