cardiac impulse normally originates in the sino-atrial (SA) node, a group of
specialized pacemaker cells in the sulcus terminalis, located posteriorly at
the junction of the right atrium and the superior vena cava. These cells seem
to have an outer mem-brane that leaks Na + (and possibly Ca2+).
The slow influx of Na+,
which results in a less negative rest-ing membrane potential (–50 to –60 mV),
has three important consequences: near constant inactivation of voltage-gated
sodium channels, an action poten-tial with a threshold of –40 mV that is
primarily due to ion movement across the slow calcium channels, and regular
spontaneous depolarizations. During each cycle, intracellular leakage of Na +
causes the cell membrane to become progressively less nega-tive; when the
threshold potential is reached, cal-cium channels open, K+
permeability decreases, and an action potential develops. Restoration of normal
permeability returns the cells in the SA node to their normal resting membrane
The impulse generated at the SA node is nor-mally rapidly conducted across the atria and to the AV node. Specialized atrial fibers may speed up conduction to both the left atrium and the AV node. The AV node, which is located in the septal wall of the right atrium, just anterior to the opening of the coronary sinus and above the insertion of the septal leaflet of the tricuspid valve, is actually made up of three distinct areas: an upper junctional (AN) region, a middle nodal (N) region, and a lower junc-tional (NH) region. Although the N region does not possess intrinsic spontaneous activity (automatic-ity), both junctional areas do. The normally slower rate of spontaneous depolarization in AV junctional areas (40–60 times/min) allows the faster SA node to control heart rate. Any factor that decreases the rate of SA node depolarization or increases the auto-maticity of AV junctional areas allows the junctional areas to function as the pacemaker for the heart.
from the SA node normally reach the AV node aft er about 0.04 sec, but leave
after another 0.11 sec. This delay is the result of the slowly con-ducting
small myocardial fibers within the AV node, which depend on slow calcium
channels for propa-gation of the action potential. In contrast, conduc-tion of
the impulse between adjoining cells in the atria and in the ventricles is due
primarily to activa-tion of sodium channels. The lower fibers of the AV node
combine to form the common bundle of His. This specialized group of fibers
passes into th interventricular septum before dividing into left and right
branches to form the complex network of Pur-kinje fibers that depolarizes both
ventricles. In sharp contrast to AV nodal tissue, His–Purkinje fibers have the
fastest conduction velocities in the heart, resulting in nearly simultaneous
depolarization of the entire endocardium of both ventricles (normally within
0.03 s). Synchronized depolarization of the lateral and septal walls of the
left ventricle promotes effective ventricular contraction. The spread of the
impulse from the endocardium to the epicardium through ventricular muscle
requires an additional 0.03 sec. Thus, an impulse arising from the SA node
normally requires less than 0.2 sec to depolarize the entire heart.
inhaled anesthetics depress SA node automaticity. These agents seem to have
onlymodest direct effects on the AV node, prolonging conduction time and
increasing refractoriness. This combination of effects likely explains the
occur-rence of junctional tachycardia when an anticholin-ergic is administered
for sinus bradycardia during inhalation anesthesia; junctional pacemakers are
accelerated more than those in the SA node. The electrophysiological effects of
volatile agents on Pur-kinje fibers and ventricular muscle are complex due to
autonomic interactions. Both antiarrhythmic and arrhythmogenic properties are
described. The for-mer may be due to direct depression of Ca2+
influxes,whereas the latter generally involves potentiation of catecholamines,
especially with halothane. The arrhythmogenic effect requires activation of both
β-adrenergic receptors. Intravenous induc-tion agents
have limited electrophysiological effects in usual clinical doses. Opioids,
particularly fentanyl and sufentanil, can depress cardiac conduction,
increasing AV node conduction and the refractory period and prolonging the
duration of the Purkinje fiber action potential.
anesthetics have important electrophysi-ological effects on the heart at blood
concentrations that are generally associated with systemic toxicity. In the
case of lidocaine, electrophysiological effects at low blood concentrations can
be therapeutic. At high blood concentrations, local anesthetics depress
con-duction by binding to sodium channels; at extremely high concentrations,
they also depress the SA node. The most potent local anesthetics—bupivacaine,
eti-docaine, and to a lesser degree, ropivacaine—seem to have the most potent
effects on the heart, particu-larly on Purkinje fibers and ventricular muscle.
Bupi-vacaine binds open or inactivated sodium channels and dissociates from
them slowly. It can cause pro-found sinus bradycardia and sinus node arrest and
malignant ventricular arrhythmias; furthermore, it can depress left ventricular
contractility. Twenty percent lipid emulsions have been used to treat local
anesthetic cardiac toxicity. The mechanisms of action of this therapy are
unclear, although possibilities include serving as a lipid reservoir and
decreasing lipophilic toxic local anesthetics in the myocardium.
channel blockers are organic com-pounds that block Ca2+
influx through L-type but not T-type channels. Dihydropyridine blockers, such
as nifedipine, simply plug the channel, whereas other agents, such as
verapamil, and to a lesser extent, dil-tiazem, preferentially bind the channel
in its depo-larized inactivated state (use-dependent blockade).
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