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Chapter: 11th 12th std standard Home Science Maintain Basic Knowledge for family life Higher secondary school College

Gas Stove - Merits, Demerits, Care

Gas stove is used extensively in most of the houses for cooking purposes. Cooking in gas stove saves time and energy since it cooks fast.

Gas Stove



1.     Gas stove is used extensively in most of the houses for cooking purposes. Cooking in gas stove saves time and energy since it cooks fast.


2.     Well constructed burner ensures complete combustion with no smoke. So it is easy to keep the kitchen and the cooking utensils clean without soot.

3.     Though the fuel cost is high, maintenance cost is the barest minimum.




1.     LPG is one and half times as heavy as air and therefore requires careful handling.


2.     A leak from the cylinder will settle down and cause a fire or explosion hazard.


3.     If the room is not ventilated gas leakage may cause carbon monoxide poisoning.




1.     Periodical cleaning of the burner heads and checking the leakage must be carried out.


2.     The cylinder valve must be closed when the stove is not in use for safety operation.


Labour Saving Devices


Changes in social and economic conditions in the last few years have resulted in changed responsibilities for both the gainfully employed and full time homemaker. Normally the homemakers spend much of their time in the kitchen. It will be helpful if they can save steps, energy, money and time in several ways in the kitchen. Labour saving devices both electrical and non-electrical are increasingly utilized by the homemaker at present. These tools and appliances have become part and parcel of the houses because of the comforts they yield. Adjusting the homemakers workload at home and outside the home necessitates the use of tools and appliances for carrying out the household activities.


Labour saving devices are the tools and appliances used to save both time and energy of the homemaker.


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11th 12th std standard Home Science Maintain Basic Knowledge for family life Higher secondary school College : Gas Stove - Merits, Demerits, Care |

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