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Chapter: 11th Geography : Chapter 5 : Hydrosphere

Factors affecting horizontal distribution of ocean temperature

The factors affecting distribution of ocean temperature are latitude, prevailing winds, ocean currents and local weather.

Factors affecting horizontal distribution of ocean temperature

The factors affecting distribution of ocean temperature are latitude, prevailing winds, ocean currents and local weather.

1. Latitude: The temperature of surface water decreases from equator towards the poles because of the slanting rays of the Sun pole ward.

2. Prevailing wind: Direction of the wind affects the distribution of temperature of ocean water. The off shore winds blowing from the land towards ocean or sea raise the temperature of ocean water. Winds blowing from snow covered regions in winter lower the surface temperature. In trade wind belt, the off shore winds initiate upwelling of cooler water from beneath and on shore winds pile up warm water to increase the temperature to certain extent.

3. Ocean currents: Warm currents raise the temperature of the oceans where they flow whereas cold currents lower down the temperature. Gulf Stream (warm current) increases the temperature of the eastern part of North America and the west coast of Europe. Labrador cold current reduces the temperature near north eastern coast of North America.

4. Apart from these, some minor factors like submarine ridges, local weather conditions like storms, cyclones, hurricanes, fog, cloudiness, evaporation and condensation also affect the surface temperature of ocean water.

These images show the sea surface temperature in Celsius. The Figure 5.12 shows the sea surface temperature in July and the Figure 5.13 in January. Cold temperatures are shown in purple, moderate temperatures in aquatic green and warm temperatures in yellow to red. Landmass is shown by black colour. The diurnal range and annual range of temperature of ocean is much less than that of the land. 

The temperature of the sea surface is highest (27°C to 30°C) not near Equator but few degrees north of the Equator. The lowest temperature recorded is -1.9°C near the poles. The maximum and minimum annual temperatures of ocean water are recorded in August and February in the Northern hemisphere and reverse in case of the southern hemisphere.

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11th Geography : Chapter 5 : Hydrosphere : Factors affecting horizontal distribution of ocean temperature |

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