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Chapter: Civil : Construction Planning And Scheduling

Critical path for a fabrication project

Critical path for a fabrication project
Civil - Construction Planning And Scheduling : Critical path for a fabrication project - Example

Civil - Construction Planning And Scheduling : 

Critical path for a fabrication project


As another example of critical path scheduling, consider the seven activities associated with the fabrication of a steel component. Figure 2-7 shows the network diagram associated with these seven activities. Note that an additional dummy activity X has been added to insure that the correct precedence relationships are maintained for activity E. A simple rule to observe is that if an activity has more than one immediate predecessor and another activity has at least one but not all of these predecessor activity as a predecessor, a dummy activity will be required to maintain precedence relationships. Thus, in the figure, activity E has activities B and C as predecessors, while activity D has only activity C as a predecessor. Hence, a dummy activity is required. Node numbers have also been added to this figure using the procedure outlined. Note that the node numbers on nodes 1 and 2 could have been exchanged in this numbering process since after numbering node 0, either node 1 or node 2 could be numbered next.

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