Anorectal problems
o Dilated veins beneath the submucosa. Bleeding from overlying mucosa
o Don‟t cause pain unless prolapsed or thrombosed
o Can cause Pruritis ani
o Treatment: injection with injected sclerosant (eg almond oil), banding
(but infection and bleeding risk), infra-red coagulation
Rectal Prolapse:
o Self-limiting in kids, in elderly due to weakened pelvic floor
(childbirth or denervation)
o Treatment is surgical, faecal incontinence improved in half
Rectal Cancer:
o Majority can be felt on digital examination
o Adenocarcinomas
o Presentation: bleeding and tenesmus, rarely pain
o Treatment: local excision or resection
o Vertical tear in anoderm. 90%
o Acute or chronic
o Vicious circle: tight internal anal sphincter ® tear ® reflect
spasm ® constipation etc.
o History: severe pain and bleeding on defaecation
o Associated with high resting anal pressure
o Treatment: High fibre diet, lots of H2O, local analgesic cream, GTN
paste (relaxes sphincter) (all conservative), limited internal sphincterotomy
Abscesses and fistulae:
o Infection of tiny glands emptying at dentate line.
o Infection can burrow into perianal fat or ischiorectal fat
o Drainage may result in anal fistula
Pruritis Ani (itchy anus):
o Usually worse at night
o Causes by anal or dermatological conditions
o Anal: haemorrhoids, keyhole deformity, pinworm infection, anal warts and
o Dermatological: Bowen‟s disease, Paget‟s disease of anus, eczema
o Treatment: avoiding strong steroid creams, avoiding itching, and drying
Anal warts: Condylomata
acuminata. Caused by HPV 8 and 11.
Usually an STD
Anal Cancer: Uncommon. Spreads to
inguinal glands. Can be adenocarcinoma, basaloid carcinoma (this and next two
caused by HPV 16 and 18), squamous carcinoma, muco-epidermoid carcinoma, anal
Perianal suppuration
Angiodysplasia (submucosal
proliferation of vessels – associated with age and aortic stenosis)
Anal cancer (rare): related to
HPV (as with cervical cancer) ® anal intraepithelial neoplasia. Risk factors as for cervical cancer
(number of partners, age of first intercourse, etc). Above dentate line –
endodermal origin ® adenocarcioma. Below dentate line – ectodermal origin ® squamous
or basal cell carcinoma or melanoma
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