Working with Headers and Footers
The header is a section of the document that appears in the top margin, which displays the title or
chapter name , author name of a document.
The footer is a section of the document that appears in the bottom margin of the page which
displays the page number, date, time etc. which gets displayed on all the pages
· Select from the main menu Insert -> Header -> Default
· The header text area is separated
from the normal text area.
· In the header area, Enter the text
that is to be repeated in all pages or Select Insert -> Fields ->Title.
Similarly to insert a Footer, the
steps are as given below:
· Select from the main menu Insert -> Footer -> Default
· Place the insertion pointer in the
footer part of the page.
· Select Insert -> Fields -> Date to insert date
in all the pages.
Once the headers and footers are
given in the first page, the same text appears in all the pages.
Once the Header / footer area is
enabled, the page numbers can be inserted by performing the following steps:
· position the insertion pointer
where you want to insert the page number
· choose Insert -> Fields -> Page Number
· The page number appears with a
gray background
Normally, the page numbers appear
as 1,2,3….., To change the numbering style, the
following sequence of steps can be
· Position the cursor where the page
number has to appear
· Select Format -> page,
which will bring the page style dialog box as on Figure 6.29.
· Select page Tab
· In the Layout settings, select the
format drop down combo box
· Select the desired style and click
OK button.
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