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Chapter: 11th Botany : Chapter 9 : Tissue and Tissue System

Water Stomata (or) Hydathodes

Differences Between Stomata and Hydathodes

Water Stomata (or) Hydathodes


A hydathode is a type of epidermal pore, commonly found in higher plants.


Structurally, hydathodes are modified stomata, usually located at leaf tips or margins, especially at the teeth.


Hydathodes occur in the leaves of submerged aquatic plants such as Ranunculus fluitans as well as in many herbaceous land plants.


Hydathodes are made of a group of living cells with numerous intercellular spaces filled with water, but few or no chloroplasts. These cells open out into one or more sub-epidermal chambers. These, in turn, communicate with the exterior through an open pore. The water stoma structurally resembles an ordinary stoma, but is usually larger and has lost the power of movement.They are connected to the plant vascular system by a tracheid or vessel element.


Hydathodes discharge liquid water with various dissolved substances from the interior of the leaf to its surface. This process is called guttation. Example many grasses.


Differences Between Stomata and Hydathodes



               Plants that grow in salty environment are called Halophiles.

               Plant growth in saline habitat developed numerous adaptations to salt stress. The secretion of ions by salt glands is the best known mechanism for regulating the salt content of plant shoots.

               Salt glands typically are found in halophytes. (Plants that grow in saline environments)

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11th Botany : Chapter 9 : Tissue and Tissue System : Water Stomata (or) Hydathodes |

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