Tissue and Tissue
Katherine Esau (1898–1997) : A legendary Role model for women in science. She was a
scintillating Botany teacher and pioneering researcher for six decades. Her
classic book Anatomy of Seed Plants is the best literature in
Plant Anatomy. In recognition of her distinguished service to science, she was
awarded National Medal of Science (1989) by USA.
chapter introduces the internal structure of higher Plants. The study of
internal structure and organisation of plant is called plant Anatomy (Gk: Ana = as under; temnein = to cut). Plants
have cells as the basic unit. The
cells are organised into tissues. The tissues in turn are organised into
organs. The different organs in a plant have different internal structures. It is
studied by means of dissection and microscopic examination.
1837 Hartig: Coined the term Sieve tubes
Schleiden: Coined the
term Collenchyma
1857 Hofmeister: Proposed Apical cell theory
1858 Nageli. C: Coined the term Xylem and Phloem, Meristem and supporter of Apical cell theory
Mettenius: Coined the
term Sclerenchyma
1868 Hanstein: Proposed Histogen theory
1885 Tschirch: Coined the term Sclereids Named Four types of
Sclereids (Brachy, Macro, Osteo &
Astro) in 1889
Haberlandt: Coined the
term xylem as Hadrome and
Phloem as Leptome and Classification of
1924 Schmidt A: Proposed Tunica –Corpus theory
1926 Schűepp: Mass,
rib, & plate meristem
1946 Bloch:Discoveredthe Trichosclereids
1952 Popham: Explained the organization of Shoot apex of Angiosperms
Duchaigne: Discovered the Annular
1961 Clowes: Proposed Quiescent centre concept
1963 Sanio: Coined the term Tracheids
A Tissue
is a group of cells that are alike in origin, structure and function. The study
of tissue is called Histology. A plant is made up of different types of
There are
two principal groups:
Meristematic tissues
Permanent tissues
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