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Chapter: Mechanical : Total Quality Management (TQM) : Principles

Tebouls Model of customer satisfication

Customer service is the set of activities an organization uses to win and retain customer’s satisfaction. It can be provided before, during, or after the sale of the product or exist on its own.

Tebouls Model of customer satisfication



Actions an organization can take to handle complaints are as follows


Ø    Investigate customers experiences by actively getting feed back, both positive and negative, and then acting on it promptly


Ø    Develop procedures for complaint resolution that include empowering front line personnel.


Ø    Analyze complaints, but understand that complaints do not always fit into neat categories.


Ø    Work to identify process and material variations and then eliminate the root cause. “More inspection” is not corrective action.


Ø    When a survey response is received, a senior manager should contact the customer and strive to resolve the concern.


Ø    Establish customer satisfaction measures and constantly monitor them.



Ø    Communicate complaint information, as well as the results of all investigations and solutions, to all people in the organization.


Ø    Provide a monthly complaint report to the quality council for their evaluation and, if needed, the assignment of process improvement teams.


Ø    Identify customers’ expectations beforehand rather than afterward through complaint analysis.




Customer service is the set of activities an organization uses to win and retain customer’s satisfaction. It can be provided before, during, or after the sale of the product or exist on its own.


Elements of customer service are



1.                 Identify each market segment.

2.                 Write down the requirements.

3.                 Communicate the requirements.

4.                 Organize processes.

5.                 Organize physical spaces.

Customer Care


6.                 Meet the customer’s expectations.

7.                 Get the customer’s point of view.


8.                 Deliver what is promised.

9.                 Make the customer feel valued.

10.            Respond to all complaints.

11.            Over respond to the customer.


12.            Provide a clean and comfortable customer reception area.




4.                 Optimize the trade off between time and personal attention.


5.                 Minimize the number of contact points.

6.                 Provide pleasant, knowledgeable and enthusiastic employees.

7.                 Write document in customer friendly language.


Front-Line people


·        Hire people who like people.

·        Challenge them to develop better methods.

·        Give them the authority to solve problems.

·        Serve them as internal customers.

·        Be sure they are adequately trained.

·        Recognize and reward performance.

·        Lead by example.

·        Listen to the front-line people.

·        Strive for continuous process improvement.


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Mechanical : Total Quality Management (TQM) : Principles : Tebouls Model of customer satisfication |

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