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Preparation and Demonstration of Slides - Botany Practicals - T.S of Anther | 12th Botany : Practicals

Chapter: 12th Botany : Practicals

T.S of Anther

To study and identify the given slide – T.S of Anther

Exercise: T.S of Anther

Aim: To study and identify the given slide – T.S of Anther

Principle: Androecium is made up of stamens. Each stamen possesses an anther and a filament.

Anther bears pollen grains which represent the male gametophyte.

Requirements: Anther of Datura metel, glycerine, safranin, slide, cover slip, blade, brush, needle to prepare temporary slides, permanent slide of T.S. of mature anther and compound microscope.

Collect buds and opened flowers of Datura metel . Dissect the stamens, separate the anthers and take thin sections and observe the structure under the microscope. Record the various stages of anther from your observation.

Diagnostic Features

·        A mature anther is bilobed (dithecous) and the two lobes are joined by a connective.

·        Each anther lobe has two pollen chambers in which pollen grains are produced.

·        A microsporangium or pollen sac is surrounded by four wall layers. They are epidermis , endothecium, middle layers and tapetum.

·        Centre of the microsporangium (pollen sac) is filled with haploid pollen grains.

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