To understand the
unidirectional flow of energy in an ecosystem and transfer of energy follows
the 10% law.
The student studies
about flow of energy and that only about 10% of energy is made available to the
next trophic level. Large amount of energy about 90% is lost at each trophic
level in a food chain.
Problems to be given to
students based on different examples with alternating food chain and amount of
The teacher must train
the student by giving them various kinds of food chain with different values.
Analyse the food chain
given below and find out the amount of energy received by the organism in third
trophic level.
Given: The amount of energy in the producers, i.e. grass = 30,000 J.
T1 – Grass (Producer) = 30,000 J of energy
T2 – Rabbit (Primary Consumer) = ?
T3 – Snake (Secondary Consumer) = ?
According to the ten
percent law, during the transfer of energy, only about 10% of the energy flows
from each trophic level to the next lower trophic level. So 10% of energy from
T1 gets transferred to T2
So T2 - Rabbit (primary consumer) receives 30000 X 10/100 = 3000 J
Similarly, 10% of energy
from T2 gets transferred to T3
So T3 – Snake (Secondary consumer) receives 3000 X
10/100 = 300 J
1. The third tropic
level T3 – (Snake) receives 300 J of energy.
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