Aim: To study and identify
the features of cloning vector – pBR 322
Principle: Vectors are used as carriers
to deliver the desired foreign DNA into a host cell.
Requirements: Models/ Photographs /
Pictures of E.coli Cloning vector pBR 322.
pBR 322 plasmid is a reconstructed plasmid containing 4361 base
pairs and most widely used as cloning vector.
In pBR, p denotes plasmid and B and R respectively the notes of
scientists Boliver and Rodriguez who developed the plasmid. The number 322 is
the number of plasmids developed from their laboratory.
It contains two different antibiotic resistance genes and
recognition site for several restriction enzymes (Hind III, Eco R I, Bam H I,
Sal I, Pvu II, Pst I, Cla I), Ori and antibiotic resistance genes (ampR and
tetR). Rop codes for the proteins involved in the replication of the plasmid.
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