Exercise : Study of pH of different types of soil
Some nutrients become
toxic in higher concentration. Therefore pH of the soil is an important chemical
property of the soil. Plants thrive well in neutral or slightly acidic soils.
The pH of the soil determines the types of soil organisms and also controls the
solubility of different nutrients. The pH of soil ranges from 0 - 14.
a. pH level 7 -
Neutral soil
b. pH level below 7 - Acidic soil
c. pH level above 7 -Alkaline soil
Optimum pH for plant
growth ranges from 5.5 to 7.
Most plants thrive
best in neutral pH. Slight acidity favours tree growth and forms forests.
Slight alkalinity is
favourable for grasses and legume crops.
To study pH of different
types of soil.
Soil samples (from two
different sites such as crop soil, garden soil, roadside soil, pond soil, river
bank soil), test tubes, funnel, filter papers, pH papers of different range,
distilled water, beaker.
Dissolve one tablespoon
or 1 gram of soil from each soil sample in 100 ml of distilled water in
separate beakers. Stir the solutions well and keep aside for half an hour to
settle down the suspended particles. Filter off each solution separately in
different test tubes. Dip a small piece of broad range pH paper on each of the
solution. Match the colour of the pH paper with the colour scale given on the
pH paper booklet. This gives an approximate pH.
Record the pH of
different soil samples in the observation table.
Thus the pH value of
different soil samples required for plant growth can be determined.
Wash the glassware thoroughly and get it dried before the
Dry the pH papers before comparing the colour with the colour
Match the colour carefully and determine pH accurately.
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