Specific Tubular Disorders
We point out that several mechanisms are responsible for
transporting different individual sub-stances across the tubular epithelial
membranes. We also point out that each cellular enzyme and each carrier protein
is formed in response to a respective gene in the nucleus. If any required gene
happens to be absent or abnormal, the tubules may be deficient in one of the
appropriate carrier proteins or one of the enzymes needed for solute transport
by the renal tubular epithelial cells. For this reason, many hereditary tubular
disorders occur because of the trans-port of individual substances or groups of
substances through the tubular membrane. In addition, damage to the tubular
epithelial membrane by toxins or ischemia can cause important renal tubular
Glycosuria—Failure of the Kidneys to Reabsorb Glucose. In this condition, the blood
glucose concentration may be normal, but the transport mechanism for tubular
reabsorption of glucose is greatly limited or absent. Consequently, despite a
normal blood glucose level, large amounts of glucose pass into the urine each
day. Because diabetes mellitus is also associated with the presence of glucose
in the urine, renal glycosuria, which is a relatively benign condition, must be
ruled out before making a diagnosis of diabetes mellitus.
Aminoaciduria—Failure of the Kidneys to
Reabsorb Amino Acids. Some amino acids share mutual transport systems for reabsorption,
whereas other amino acids have their own distinct transport systems. Rarely, a
condition called generalized
aminoaciduria results from deficient reab-sorption of all amino acids; more
frequently, deficiencies of specific carrier systems may result in (1) essentialcystinuria, in which large
amounts of cystine fail to bereabsorbed and often crystallize in the urine to
form renal stones; (2) simple glycinuria,
in which glycine fails to be reabsorbed; or (3) beta-aminoisobutyricaciduria, which occurs in about 5 per cent of
all people but appar-ently has no major clinical significance.
Hypophosphatemia—Failure of the Kidneys to Reabsorb Phosphate.
In renal
hypophosphatemia, the renaltubules fail to reabsorb large enough quantities of
phos-phate ions when the phosphate concentration of the body fluids falls very
low. This condition usually does not cause serious immediate abnormalities,
because the phosphate concentration of the extracellular fluid can vary widely
without causing major cellular dys-function. Over a long period, a low
phosphate level causes diminished calcification of the bones, causing the
person to develop rickets. This type of rickets is refrac-tory to vitamin D
therapy, in contrast to the rapid response of the usual type of rickets.
Renal Tubular Acidosis—Failure of the Tubules
to Secrete Hydro- gen Ions. In this condition, the renal tubules are
unableto secrete adequate amounts of hydrogen ions. As a result, large amounts
of sodium bicarbonate are contin-ually lost in the urine. This causes a
continued state of metabolic acidosis. This type of renal abnormality can be
caused by hereditary dis-orders, or it can occur as a result of widespread
injury to the renal tubules.
Nephrogenic Diabetes Insipidus—Failure of the
Kidneys to Respond to Antidiuretic Hormone. Occasionally, the renaltubules do not respond
to antidiuretic hormone, causing large quantities of dilute urine to be
excreted. As long as the person is supplied with plenty of water, this
con-dition seldom causes severe difficulty. However, when adequate quantities
of water are not available, the person rapidly becomes dehydrated.
Syndrome—A Generalized Reabsorptive Defect of the Renal
Tubules. Fanconi’s syndrome is usually associatedwith increased urinary
excretion of virtually all amino acids, glucose, and phosphate. In severe
cases, other manifestations are also observed, such as (1) failure to reabsorb
sodium bicarbonate, which results in metabolic acidosis; (2) increased
excretion of potassium and sometimes calcium; and (3) nephrogenic diabetes
There are multiple causes of Fanconi’s syndrome, which results from
a generalized inability of the renal tubular cells to transport various
substances. Some of these causes include (1) hereditary defects in cell
trans-port mechanisms, (2) toxins or drugs that injure the renal tubular
epithelial cells, and (3) injury to the renal tubular cells as a result of
ischemia. The proximal tubular cells are especially affected in Fanconi’s
syn-drome caused by tubular injury, because these cells reabsorb and secrete
many of the drugs and toxins that can cause damage.
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