Hypertension and Kidney Disease
As discussed earlier, hypertension can exacerbate injury to the
glomeruli and blood vessels of the kidneys and is a major cause of end-stage
renal disease. Conversely, abnormalities of kidney function can cause
hypertension. Thus, the relation between hypertension and kidney disease can,
in some instances, propagate a vicious circle: primary kidney damage leads to
increased blood pressure, which in turn causes further damage to the kidneys,
further increases in blood pressure, and so forth, until end-stage renal
disease develops.
Not all types of kidney disease cause hypertension, because damage
to certain portions of the kidney cause uremia without hypertension.
Nevertheless, some types of renal damage are particularly prone to cause hyper-tension.
A classification of kidney disease relative to hypertensive or nonhypertensive
effects is the following.
Lesions That Reduce the Ability of the Kidneys to Excrete Sodium
and Water Promote Hypertension. Renal lesions thatdecrease the ability of the
kidneys to excrete sodium and water almost invariably cause hypertension.
There-fore, lesions that either decrease
GFR or increasetubular reabsorption usually
lead to hypertension ofvarying degrees. Some specific types of renal
abnormal-ities that can cause hypertension are as follows:
1. Increased renal vascular
resistance, which reducesrenal blood flow and GFR. An example is hypertension
caused by renal artery stenosis.
2. Decreased glomerular
capillary filtration coefficient, which reduces GFR. An example of this is
chronic glomerulonephritis, which causes inflammation and thickening of the
glomerular capillary membranes, thereby reducing the glomerular capillary
filtration coefficient.
3. Excessive tubular sodium reabsorption. An exampleis hypertension
caused by excessive aldosterone secretion, which increases sodium reabsorption
mainly in the cortical collecting tubules.
Once hypertension has developed, renal excretion of sodium and
water returns to normal because the high arterial pressure causes pressure
natriuresis and pres-sure diuresis, so that intake and output of sodium and
water become balanced once again. Even when there are large increases in renal
vascular resistance or decreases in the glomerular capillary coefficient, the
GFR may still return to nearly normal levels after the arterial blood pressure
rises. Likewise, when tubular reabsorption is increased, as occurs with
excessive aldosterone secretion, the urinary excretion rate is ini-tially
reduced but then returns to normal as arterial pressure rises. Thus, after
hypertension develops, there may be no sign of impaired excretion of sodium and
water other than the hypertension. Normal excretion of sodium and water at an
elevated arterial pressure means that pressure natriure-sis and pressure
diuresis have been reset to a higher arterial pressure.
Caused by Patchy Renal Damage and Increased Renal Secretion of Renin. If one part of the kidney
isischemic and the remainder is not ischemic, such as occurs when one renal artery
is severely constricted, the ischemic renal tissue secretes large quantities of
renin. This secretion leads to the formation of angiotensin II, which can cause
hypertension. The most likely sequence of events in causing this hypertension,
is (1) the ischemic kidney tissue itself excretes less than normal amounts of
water and salt; (2) the renin secreted by the ischemic kidney, and subse-quent
increased angiotensin II formation, affects the nonischemic kidney tissue,
causing it also to retain salt and water; and (3) excess salt and water cause
hyper-tension in the usual manner.
A similar type of hypertension can result when patchy areas of one
or both kidneys become ischemic as a result of arteriosclerosis or vascular
injury in specific portions of the kidneys. When this occurs, the ischemic
nephrons excrete less salt and water but secrete greater amounts of renin,
which causes increased angiotensin II formation. The high levels of angiotensin
II then impair the ability of the surrounding otherwise normal nephrons to
excrete sodium and water. As a result, hypertension develops, which restores
the overall excretion of sodium and water by the kidney, so that balance
between intake and output of salt and water is maintained, but at the expense
of high blood pressure.
Kidney Diseases That Cause Loss of Entire
Nephrons Lead to Renal Failure But May Not Cause Hypertension. Loss of largenumbers of whole
nephrons, such as occurs with the loss of one kidney and part of another
kidney, almost always leads to renal failure if the amount of kidney tissue
lost is great enough. If the remaining nephrons are normal and the salt intake
is not excessive, this condition might not cause clinically significant
hypertension, because even a slight rise in blood pressure will raise the GFR
and decrease tubular sodium reabsorption sufficiently to promote enough water
and salt excretion in the urine, even with the few nephrons that remain intact.
However, a patient with this type of abnormality may become severely
hypertensive if additional stresses are imposed, such as eating a large amount
of salt. In this case, the kidneys simply cannot clear adequate quanti-ties of
salt with the small number of functioning nephrons that remain.
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