Site selection
Selecting a
good site is of major importance for the future economic viability of the cage
farm. A suit-able site for cage farming must fulfill a number of requirements. It is normally
difficult to fulfill all of these, and they will depend also on the cage technology
used; for example, the extent of wave tolerance. There are a number of ways to
classify the factors that must be evaluated when selecting a site. Several of
the factors also affect each other directly.
The main factor
is, of course, the water quality. This must be satisfactory for the cultured
species, including temperature, salinity and oxygen content. A continuous
supply of oxygen requires a current to exchange the water. This is also
required to remove metabolic products from the cage area. A good water exchange
will occur with a water velocity above 0.1 m/s. This is normally sufficient to
supply enough oxygen and to remove fish excrement. However, the water currents
ought to be below 1 m/s because velocities above this result in very large
forces on the cage structures and mooring system; in these situations specially
de-signed systems must be used. Fjords with a sill are not recommended because
the water current and water exchange are normally too low to trans-port the
faeces and eventual feed loss away so this will collect on the bottom below the
cages and decomposition under anaerobic conditions may occur. Hydrogen sulphide
(H2S) gas which is toxic for the
fish may then be released from the bottom sediments (Fig. 15.2). Areas where
the water can be polluted with toxic substances must also be avoided; this can,
for instance, be near various industries. Some areas are also more exposed to
algal blooms and some sites are particularly exposed to fouling; this must be
taken into consideration when selecting a site.
Shelter from
the weather is also important. Wave height is normally the most critical
parameter. It is usual to avoid areas with high waves, even if it is
theoretically possible to build farms and mooring systems that can tolerate
very large waves. However, these farms are difficult and expensive to operate
when the waves are large and operational access is reduced. In addition, large
expensive boats have to be used to operate such farms. If the wave height is
below 2 m the cage is easy to operate, and many available cages are constructed
to tolerate such wave heights. Several sup-pliers deliver cages that may
tolerate 4–5 m wave height. Ocean cages can tolerate up to 7–8 m, but special
routines for operation of such farms must be taken into consideration before
selecting such sites.
Another factor
included in the geographical conditions on site involves water depth; a
distance of more than 5 m from the bottom of the net to the sea bottom is
recommended, but this depends on the current conditions. Depths above 100 m
will greatly increase the costs of the mooring system because long mooring
lines will be needed. Areas with frequently shipping traffic should be avoided
because of disturbance to the fish and creation of waves. When selecting a
site, good infrastructure, for example, proximity to roads, available
electricity, will also be of benefit.
The legal
requirements for fish farming in an area must be satisfied. There may be areas
publicly designated for other purposes, or where cage farming is unwanted from
an environmental point of view. For example, it will be difficult to establish
a cage farm for salmonid production just outside an important salmon river
because of the risk of escape. The legal requirements for access to land for an
on-shore base and on-shore mooring are also included here.
Before choosing
a site, the environmental conditions must be clearly known. This information
may be obtained from government maritime departments or by the use of special
oceanographic buoys that automatically monitor environmental conditions on the
sites. Talking with people living in the area and local fishermen could also
give valuable supplementary information.
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