Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)
· Types and incubation:
o Chlamydia (7 –21 days) Þ don‟t test till 14 days after contact (unless symptomatic)
o Gonorrhoea (range 1 – 14 days, commonly 2 – 5 days)
o Trichomonas (3 – 21 days)
o Herpes Simplex Virus (2 days onwards – maybe years)
o Human Papilloma Virus (2 – 4 months, up to a year, vertical transmission possible)
o Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) – (seroconversion illness 2 – 6 weeks after exposure, HIV antibodies almost always present after 3 months. Mean time to developing AIDS defining illness 9 – 12 years)
o Hepatitis B (1 – 6 months)
o Syphilis (9 – 90 days)
o Non-specific urethritis
o Pubic Lice (eggs – 2 weeks to mature, larvae – 1 week to mature)
o Scabies (3 – 30 days, 6 weeks for itch to develop)
o Hepatitis C and A may be sexually transmitted
Not necessarily sexually
o Normal anatomical variants
o Commensals ® bacterial vaginosis
o Dermatoses
o Candidacies (commensals)
o Molluscum contagiousum (3 weeks – months)
o Urinary tract infections
o Prostatitis
o Vulval disorders
Urethral swab or first pass urine
for chlamydia
Anal or throat swab for
gonorrhoea if appropriate
o Cervical sample for gonorrhoea, chlamydia (endocervical cells needed)
o Cervical smear
o High vaginal swab for bacterial vaginosis, candida, trichomonas
Male: Urethral swab for
Blood tests:
o Hepatitis B (Ag and Ab) and C (Ab)
o Syphilis: VDRL, TPHA
o HIV Ab if appropriate with counselling and consent. Always attend for results
Cervical secretions in women not
on the pill, and which change during the cycle, are part of normal discharge.
Mucus is clear or clear/white. Some inflammatory cells are normal in the latter
half of a cycle
Desquamating vaginal cells with
healthy lactobacilli are major part of normal discharge – pH < 4.5
Key history questions:
o Colour
o Odour
o Itch
o Thrush (Candidiasis): white curds, very itchy, not smelly
o Trichomoniasis: grey/green discharge, fishy smell, moderate itch
o Bacterial Vaginosis: green, fishy, itchy
o Chlamydia: asymptomatic or discharge
o Atrophic vaginitis: brown, spotty discharge (from bruising), pain, no
itch. Treatment: oestrogen cream or HRT
Description: G –ive diplococci
o Male: 80% symptomatic. Discharge & dysuria (razor blade pain). 30% also have chlamydia
o Female: only 20% symptomatic – can have vaginal discharge or pelvic pain. Pick up with opportunistic/selective screening if under 25, multiple partners, changed partner in last 6 months, IUCD, etc
o Rectal and pharyngeal: often asymptomatic
Diagnosis: gram stain microscopy
if symptomatic or contact, or culture on chocolate agar
Advice: no sex until minimum of 3
days since treatment completed
· Treatment:
o Amoxycillin 3 gm and Probenecid 1 gm stat (not longer standard due to penicillin resistant), or
o Ciprofloxacin 500 mgs (a quinolone) stat if penicillin allergy or if resistant. Specialist endorsement required. If resistant to that then Ceftriaxone (common in Auckland).
o Azithromycin will cover gonorrhoea if it is being used to treat
concurrent chlamydia
o Resistance possible
Contact tracing required. Treat
Test for cure at 14 days (legal
· Complications: See Topic: Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)
Description: obligate
intracellular bacteria, STIs are types D – K.
Highest in 20 – 24 year age group
o Urethritis, unexplained cystitis, mucopurulent cervicitis, pelvic pain, irregular bleeding
o 80% of females and 50% of males have no symptoms. Suspect and test if
sexual contacts have it, if patients asks for STI tests, patients under 25 with
new/multiple partners
o Up to 30% associated with concurrent N Gonorrhoea infection
· Diagnosis:
o Female: swab from affected area, including from endocervix. Rotate 6 –
10 times. Urine test alone not sufficient. Most common site of single infection
is cervix (ie urine is clear)
o Male: urine test
o New PCR test easier sampling (urine test)
o Opportunistic detection has been shown to reduce rates of PID and
ectopic pregnancy
o Abstain until treated – if not use condoms
o Contact trace
o Without test results: Doxycycline 100mgs bd for 7 days (remember 7 day
rule for patients on OC)
o Known positive and partners: Azithromycin 1 g stat orally – directly observed treatment
o In pregnancy: erythromycin ethylsuccinate 800mg qid for 7 days – must be treated to prevent amnionitis and premature rupture of membranes
o In PID: Doxycycline/erythromycin for 14 days and ornidazole 500 mgs bd for 7 days, plus consider gonorrhoea in which case penicillin/ciprofloxacin in addition
o Test of cure in 3 weeks if non-compliance or re-infection suspected. Urine test is adequate for males and females
o Test high risk patients only for cure
o If reinfection, then ?untreated partner
o Neonatal: conjunctivitis, pneumonitis 2 – 4 weeks later
o See Topic: Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)
· Manifestations: systemic (fever, sore throat), gingivostomatitis (ulcers with yellow slough – cold sores), meningitis (uncommon, self-limiting), encephalitis (fever, fits, headache, dysphagia, hemiparesis – do PCR on CSF sample – refer urgently)
Incubation: 2 – 25 days. Chronic
infection is due to the virus remaining in the sensory nerve ganglia.
Infectious period indeterminate ® contact isolation
o Blisters which become shallow painful ulcers, often preceded by itching
or tingling
o First episode may be accompanied by flu like illness, tender inguinal nodes and dysuria
o Recurrences can be brought on by stress, fatigue, depression, immunosuppression and concurrent illness. Recurrences usually less severe and become less frequent
Diagnosis: clinical suspicion.
Swab the base of an unroofed ulcer and refrigerate in viral medium. This will
be painful. Culture negative doesn‟t exclude HSV as timing and collection
technique important.
Serology possible, but not
routinely used
· Pathogenesis. There are two antigenic types of Herpes Simplex Virus:
o Type 1 is associated with lesions on the face and fingers, and sometimes genital lesions. Treat with zovirax (topical cream). Prevalence: 70% of population
o Type 2 is associated almost entirely with genital infections, and affects the genitalia, vagina, and cervix and may predispose to cervical dysplasia. 10% of oral lesions caused by type 2. Prevalence: 10 – 15% of population (depends on population – more in high risk)
~ Tubulo-peritoneal Disease
Cause: ascending infection of
vagina and cervix to endometrium, fallopian tubes and other structures:
o Chlamydia – often chronic
o Gonorrhoea – often acute
o Can also be anaerobes (e.g. after instrumentation of the uterus or long
standing PID)
Symptoms: Acute pain, but 30%
asymptomatic, dyspareunia (pain on sex)
Risk factors:
o Young age (< 25)
o Sexual
activity, multiple partners, multiple infections
o Postpartum infections
o IUCDs in first several weeks after insertion
o Decreased rates with condoms, diaphragms, spermicides (bacteria can use sperm as vector), tubal ligation, OC pill
o Difficult to make clinically: there are multiple causes of abdominal
o Cervical motion tenderness (also occurs with ectopic pregnancy)
o Purulent cervical/vaginal discharge
o Oral temperature > 38 C
o Irregular bleeding and break through bleeding on the OC pill
o Ultrasound of no help. Test for other STIs. May require laproscopy
Treatment: Antibiotics must cover
anaerobes, chlamydia and gonorrhoea. E.g. Doxycycline 100 mg bd for 10 – 14
days plus an anti-anaerobe such as metronidazole or ornidazole
o Often repeat episodes due to:
§ Continued at risk behaviour
§ Partner is not treated
§ Past infection compromises cilia of the fallopian tubes making another
infection more likely
o Infertility risk after 1 infection is 11%, but up to 54% after 3
o Other sequalae: ectopic pregnancy, adhesions, chronic pelvic pain
Triad of arthritis (big joints –
hot, red swollen, bilateral), urethritis and conjunctivitis
10:1 are males, usually 25 – 35
Often (not always) caused by
chlamydia (an immunological reaction, HLA B27+ more susceptible)
Treatment: treat residual
infection, if any
Can get anal warts without anal
External warts usually benign
(types 6 & 11 – not oncogenic)
o Destructive: Condyline, liquid nitrogen – high recurrence rate
o Imiquimod – topical cream, up-regulates immune system, expensive ($150
per month), 19% recurrence, requires treatment for 8 – 12 weeks
A vaccine is at stage 3 trials
Not all skin lesions on the
genitals and surrounding areas are due to STDs
Normal anatomical variants:
o Pearly penile papules: small papillae around the corona of the penis
o Sebaceous cysts of the penis, labia minora and scrotum
o Normal papillae in the vaginal vestibule: can be mistaken for warts
o Contact dermatitis: soaps, deodorants, etc
o Psoriasis: especially head and corona of the penis. Red, scaly plaques.
Not itchy. Look for it elsewhere
o Reiter‟s Syndrome: urethritis, conjunctivitis, arthritis in addition to
skin lesion
o Lichen Planus: itchy plaques on the penis
Infections (not necessarily
sexually acquired):
o Seborrhoeic dermatitis: a fungus, red, sharply defined area covered with
honey coloured scales
o Candidiasis: red, irritating, itchy rash. Treat with Clotrimazole (Canesten)
o Dermatophyte infections (tinea) are common. Characteristic spreading edge, itchy
o Folliculitis: small pustule around a hair follicle
o Scabies: red, itchy nodules – may not resolve despite treatment. Treat with malathion 0.5%
o Erythrasma: scaly, flat, brown, pigmented rash, not itchy. Caused by corynebacterium
o Molluscum contagiosum: may be sexually acquired. Small, pearly
umbiliated lesions on the thigh and buttocks
· The virus: RNA virus with reverse transcriptase. Has p24 nuclear antigen. Attacks CD4+ T cells.
· Transmission: sex (risk in receptive intercourse – male to male most significant, also in other STDs), blood and maternal transmission (¯ risk with AZT)
1 % of Europeans lack CXR-5
receptor: if homozygous then resistant
Signs & Symptoms:
o Temperature, wasting (chronic ill health)
o Rashes: eg shingles, HSV (cold sores), candidiasis, may be drug response
(heightened sensitivity to drug responses)
o Lymph nodes
o Signs of high risk behaviour: Injection marks, other STD
o Mouth: infections, Kaposi‟s Sarcoma (re-purple vascular non-tender
tumours – mainly on skin)
o Chronic cough common
o Hepatosplenomegaly (infections, lymphoma)
o Neuropathies: eg due to intracranial lesion (eg lymphoma), peripheral
sensory neuropathies
o Fundi: cotton wool spots, scars (eg due to toxoplasmosis, CMV)
Early disease:
o Seroconversion illness: in 50 – 90% of infected people. May include macular rash
o Debate about usefulness of early treatment
o Good evidence of value of prophylactic treatment (e.g. following needle
o 3 weeks before positive after infection
o Elisa for HIV-1 and HIV-2 antibodies
o False positive tests: 4/1000
Confirmatory diagnosis: Western
o Can take up to 3 months to get Western Blot Positive
o Can give indeterminate, weak positive or strong positive (3 bands)
Course: measure based on viral
load and CD4 count
o Acute illness: 4 – 8 weeks
o Asymptomatic: 2 – 12 years
o Symptomatic: 2+ years. AIDS defining illness:
§ PCP infection (treat with co-trimoxazole): can ®
§ Cryptococcus infection: mild headaches: lumbar puncture. Indian ink stain positive
§ Kaposi‟s sarcoma: can present anywhere
§ Psychological: HIV related, secondary illness related, or depression
Viral Load:
o High T cell turnover: Virus
replicates in 1½ days. Infected cell
lasts 2.2 days
o HIV in sanctuary sites: e.g. brain – hard to treat
o Measure through PCR of viral RNA: good indicator of progression. If viral load high, treat now
Immune depletion: Based on CD4+
o > 500
o 200 – 500: Tb, herpes
o <200
Subgroups of illness:
o Constitutional: fever, diarrhoea, weight loss
o Neurological: dementia, neuropathy, cognitive
o Opportunistic infections: candida, PCP, toxoplasmosis, CMV, MAC, Tb
o Malignancies: Kaposi‟s sarcoma, non-Hodgkin‟s lymphoma
Drug Treatment:
o Combination of drugs that inhibit various points of viral replication
o Can improve CD4+ count from very low (e.g. 50) to e.g. 500-600
o Side-effects: non-specific rashes, „buffalo hump‟ – abnormal fat
Leading cause of death:
Respiratory infection
Guidelines for HIV pre-test
o What the test for HIV antibodies means: not a test for AIDS
o Significance of negative test (Window period)
o Significance of positive test: medical implications (prognosis &
treatment), social implications (coping, support, relationships, who needs to
know, possible discrimination), notification requirements (HIV not notifiable,
patient can use alias), implications for insurance
o Safeguards to preserve confidentiality
o Future preventative aspects: safer sex and IVDU
o How results are obtained
o Any costs
Guidelines for post test
o Explanation of test results
o If negative: 3-month window period – especially if recent high risk behaviour. Future prevention
o If positive: repeat, confirmatory test organised, arrangement for counselling, support and specialist assessment
Drugs e.g. steroids, cyclosporin,
Nutritional Deficiency
Chronic renal disease
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