Other Cancers
Risk factors: nulliparity,
infertility, early menarche, family history, no past pill use
o 75% asymptomatic until advanced
o Swelling with palpable mass
o Pressure effects (eg on bladder)
o Infarction, haemorrhage, peritonism
o Ascites
o Torsion
o Endocrine: virilisation, menstrual irregularity, PMB
Lower incidence than endometrial
cancer, but higher death rate due to late presentation
5 Yearly survival ~ 30 – 35%
(varies from 80 – 100% for FIGO I to 5 – 10% for FIGO IIIC/IV)
o Epithelium: 70%
§ Benign (60%): younger – serous cystadenoma, mucinous cystadenoma. If cysts have smooth internal epithelium likely to be benign
§ Borderline (20%): mucinous tumour of borderline malignancy. 6%
recurrence (but still treatable) so need long term follow-up
§ Malignant (20%): serous cystadenocarcinoma
o Ovum: 20%
§ Dermoid cyst (teratoma)
§ Occur in children and young women, in contrast to epithelial tumours
§ Commonest is benign, but in young children they are often malignant
§ Micro: variety of mature cell types: skin, gut, neural tissue, etc
o Others: 5%
§ Stroma: lymphoma, fibroma
§ Granulosa cell tumour ® oestrogen ® amenorrhoea and breakthrough bleeding
§ Thecal cell tumour ® androgen ® infertile, hirsutism, amenorrhoea
· Investigations: Ca125, FBC, electrolytes, LFTs, US + CT (for mets or possible primary elsewhere)
· Should identify and screen those with high risk – those with genetic tendency (ie BRAC1, BRAC2, HPNNC). If family history then screen with US plus CA125 – more informative together. NB lead time bias
Treatment: Surgery for staging
+/- debulking, chemo (usually platinum)
Other ovarian cysts:
o Present with mass effects of torsion:
§ Follicular cyst
§ Corpus luteum cyst
o Polycystic ovaries
o Endometriosis
Most common gynaecological
cancer, but early presentation ® better prognosis
· Endometrial hyperplasia:
o Simple hyperplasia: cystic glands with pseudostratified mitotically active cells. No atypia, minimal risk of carcinoma
o Complex hyperplasia: More crowded gland with budding and infolding. With
atypia, 5% progress to carcinoma
o Complex hyperplasia with atypia: crowded, folded gland in which the
lining cells are pleomorphic with loss of polarity and increased nuclear
cytoplasmic ratio. > 25% progress to carcinoma
Endometrial polyps:
o Most are hyperplastic polyps
o Often seen with generalised hyperplasia
o Due to an area responding to oestrogen but resistant to progesterone
o Micro: a polypoid collection of cystic hyperplastic glands in a fibrotic
Endometrial Cancer:
o Presentation: irregular PV bleeding, often post menopausal
o Risk factors: obesity, nulliparity, diabetes, unopposed oestrogen therapy, pelvic irradiation, endogenous unopposed oestrogen (functioning ovarian tumour, anovulatory cycles, fat), family history for breast, ovarian or colon cancer
o Peak age 55 - 60
o Investigate endometrial thickness with trans-cervical ultrasound:
§ Reproductive endometrium: 0.5 – 1.5 cm
§ Menopausal endometrium: < 5 mm. If bleeding, repeat US in 4 – 6 months and look for change
§ If menopausal and 5 – 9mm, do endometrial sample. 90% are normal proliferative endometrium. 5% are atypical (pre-cancerous), 5% are carcinoma
§ If > 9 mm, straight to D&C to get good endometrial sample (high
suspicion of cancer). Not hysteroscopy (can force malignant cells into the
o Macro: fungating mass in the fundus
o Micro: adenocarcinoma
o Treatment: hysterectomy and oophorectomy + chemo and radiotherapy
o Prognosis:
§ Stage 1: invade wall, 90% 5 year survival
§ Stage 2: invade cervix, 50% 5 year survival
§ Stage 3: lymph nodes, 20% 5 year survival
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