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Chapter: 11th Zoology : Chapter 13 : Trends in Economic Zoology

Scope of Zoology

Studying Zoology can provide self employment opportunities and you can become an entrepreneur.

Scope of Zoology


Studying Zoology can provide self employment opportunities and you can become an entrepreneur. Economic Zoology is a branch of science that deals with economically useful animals. It involves the study of application of animals for human welfare. The need of Zoology is not just to improve our economic condition but also to provide food security and provide employment opportunities. Based on the economic importance, animals can be categorized as:


1.              Animals for food and food products


2.              Economically beneficial animals


3.              Animals of aesthetic importance


4.              Animals for scientific research.


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11th Zoology : Chapter 13 : Trends in Economic Zoology : Scope of Zoology |

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