Nephrotic Syndrome
~ Non-proliferative
o Marked proteinuria (may make urine frothy) > 3 g/day
Hypoalbuminaemia ® oedema:
generalised, insidious onset, may be peri-orbital in the morning, legs in the
afternoon. If gross then ascites and pleural effusion
o Hypercholesterolaemia
o Renal function is preserved. But
may retain Na and H20. May plasma volume
o If polyuria then Þ tubular and interstitial damage as well
Pathogenesis: common end point of
a variety of disease processes that alter the permeability of the basement
Possible causes (first 3
reasonably common in adults, Membranous is perhaps the most common):
o Minimal change GN
o Membranous GN
o Focal Segmental GN
o Maybe IgA and mesangiocapillary
o (Also diabetes, amyloidosis (eg multiple myeloma), drugs)
· Management:
o Minimal change: very responsive to steroids. The rest need something
stronger (eg cyclophosamide) and commonly ® renal failure over time
o Fluid restrict
o Monitor and treat BP
o Salt restricted, high protein diet
o Oral diuretics + K (beware hypovolaemia ® pre-renal failure)
Complications: loose Antithrombin
3 protein as well as albumin ® renal vein (and other) thrombosis. ?Prophylactic anticoagulation
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