need for local self - government arises out of the growth in size of a modern
state and the multiplication of its functions. When the area of a state is too
large and the population is too great, it becomes difficult for the government
of a state to ably administer the affairs of the state and at the same time
look after and attend to the particular needs of a particular are or the
people. Problems of a local nature in the vast area must necessarily differ and
these cannot be solved by a uniform treatment. It becomes essential, therefore
to decentralize power and hand it over to people in these local areas who can
look after those affairs with greater interest, enthusiasm and active
participation or involvement. They can handle problems like sanitation, water
supply, provision of market facilities and primary education and wherever
necessary and possible, to provide facilities for education and running of
transport in their area more efficiently than if these were to be administered
by a central government in a unitary state or by provincial or state government
in a federation.
The reason for the existence and the benefits of local
self - government are many. According to Gilchrist, in the first place a local
self - government is necessary for efficiency. In an are where the people are
most interested in certain acts of government, it is in the interests of the
people to have these acts performed efficiently. For such efficient performance
the people should be able to control those responsible for the work by being able
to ensure or dismiss them.
Secondly, economy is secured by local self - government.
If certain acts of government benefit only a definite area, obviously the
expense of these acts should be borne by that locality. Sometimes it may be
necessary for the governments to give grants on certain conditions; or the
government many grant power grants on certain conditions; or the government
many grant power to a local body to raise a loan for certain specific purposes;
or it may have to set a limit to which the local body can tax the residents in
its area. Taxation or rating, is the chief method of raising money in local
areas. The people who pay rates elect local boards or councils and thus largely
controls expenditure as well as managements.
local self - governments acts also as an agency to educate the people in modern
representative system of government. In normal modern states the citizen is
called upon only occasionally to take a personal part in the direction of
national affairs, usually to record a vote at intervals of three to five years.
This may lead either to apathy or discontent; but local government provides an
actual representative system close at hand on the proper conduct of which the
ordinary things of everyday life depend. The citizen thus becomes acquainted
with public affairs. Local bodies provide an excellent school of training for
the wider affairs of central government.
Fourthly, local self - government shares the burden of the
work of the government, where there is no local self - government the
governments would have to do everything through its officials. The local self -
government also assists the government in the administration and collection of
the taxes and revenues for the in its area.
Lastly, the local bodies provide the necessary information
and advice on proposed legislation. The advice of the local bodies thus become
an important aspect in the formulation of policies of the government and
enactment of laws by the legislatures.
The information furnished above the discussion on the
meaning and importance of local self - government make it clear, how essential
the local bodies are in modern democracies.
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