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Chapter: 11th 12th std standard Political Science History goverment rule laws life Higher secondary school College Notes

Need For A Constitution

Since the days of American revolution (1776) the idea of a costitution as a necessary and fundamental document was firmly rooted in every state.

Since the days of American revolution (1776) the idea of a costitution as a necessary and fundamental document was firmly rooted in every state. Today constitution has become the bedrock of democracy. A constitution is neeeded for a variety of reasons -
1. To curb the powers of the government by fundamental law. 
2.  To protect the rights of individuals
3.  To establish the principle of 'rule of law'.
4.   To save the state from anarchy.
5.   To define the operation of the sovereign power of the state.
6.   To limit the vagaries of present and future generations.
As Jellinek has rightly remarked - 'a constitution is a necessity and every state must and does it fact possess one. A constitution is necessary even in the case of despotism. A state without a constitution is not a state but a regime of a anarchy.

Every state must have a constitution. Without a constitution it is difficult to govern a state. History tells that since the origin of the state there had been some kinds of rules and regulations in some form to maintain the order and harmony in the state.
In every state be it a democratic or despotic it is essential that such rules must be accepted which would decide the role and organization of political institutions in order to save the society from anarchy. In modern states these rules find expression in the form of a constitution.

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11th 12th std standard Political Science History goverment rule laws life Higher secondary school College Notes : Need For A Constitution |

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