mini-nebulizer is a hand-held apparatus that disperses a mois-turizing agent or
medication, such as a bronchodilator or mu-colytic agent, into microscopic
particles and delivers it to the lungs as the patient inhales. The
mini-nebulizer is usually air-driven by means of a compressor through
connecting tubing. In some instances, the nebulizer is oxygen-driven rather
than air-driven. To be effective, a visible mist must be available for the
patient to inhale.
The indications for use of a mini-nebulizer are similar to the in-dications for IPPB, except that the patient must be able to gen-erate a deep breath without the aid of the positive-pressure machine. Diaphragmatic breathing (Chart 25-3) is a helpful tech-nique to prepare for proper use of the mini-nebulizer. Frequently, mini-nebulizers are used for patients with COPD to dispense in-haled medications and are commonly used at home on a long-term basis.
The nurse instructs the patient tobreathe through the mouth,
taking slow, deep breaths, and then to hold the breath for a few seconds at the
end of inspiration to increase intrapleural pressure and reopen collapsed
alveoli, thereby increasing functional residual capacity. The nurse encourages
the patient to cough and to monitor the effectiveness of the therapy. The nurse
instructs the patient and family about the purpose of the treatment, equipment
set-up, medication additive, and proper cleaning and storage of the equipment.
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