Evolution of justice :
Justice is essentially a normative concept, cutting across
the domains of religion, ethics and law, though its ramifications cover social,
political and economic domains. So great is the diversity of its connotations
that it is not easy to abstract to one specific meaning. Generally justice is
associated with judicial organizations.
Availability of equal opportunities for the development of
personality to all the people in society, without any discrimination on the
basis of caste, colour, sex or race. The name given to such a manifestation of
justice so as to fulfill the above said purpose, is called social justice.
India, the social stratification is visibly seen to have numerous fragmentation
and inequality. The pursuit of the nation by and large in the context of a
welfare state is to ensure 'social justice' to every man. No one should be
deprived of justice because of these differences. Social justice is essential
for the enjoyment of social equality and social rights. These are dependent on
economic equality and rights.
Justice can be ensured in a
society only when the social system is free from exploitation of man by man,
and where the privileges of the few are not built upon the miseries of the
many. It is pertinent to mention the words of Daniel Webster who said 'Justice
is the cheapest interest of man.'
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