Individual freedom means that every individual human being
in the society is free to act according to his own free will. He is at the
centre of the social system to which he belongs. Political thinkers and social
scientist explain this 'As an attitude of mind which makes man to act according
needs and interest'. In doing it he should have freedom for adjustments. It is
an essential condition for man's happiness and of the development of his
personality. It regards the state as a necessary evil. It is an evil because
its activities necessarily restrict the freedom of the individual. Such a
restriction is necessary because mankind has not yet reached that stage of
evolution where the authority of the state may be completely done away with. As
the state is an evil its functions should be reduced to the minimum. The best
state is one, which exists the least. The prominent exponent of individual
freedom was John Stuart Mill of England.
Population consists of individuals, great men, leaders and
reformers. Just how much of political development is attributable to the spirit
of the time that results from general causes and how much to the conscious
effort of individuals is one of the most difficult of problems and historians
have held widely divergent opinions concerning it. In spite of the fact that,
great men, leaders, and reformers, it is each individual composing the states
is a being that wills and acts. Without the cooperation of individual, no
change is possible.
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