Hyperthermia (thermal therapy), the generation of temperatures greater
than physiologic fever range (above 41.5°C [106.7°F]), has been used for many years to destroy
tumors in human can-cers. Malignant cells may be more sensitive than normal
cells to the harmful effects of high temperatures for several reasons.
Ma-lignant cells lack the repair mechanisms necessary to repair cell damage by
elevated temperatures. Most tumor cells lack an ade-quate blood supply to
provide needed oxygen during periods of increased cellular demand, such as
during hyperthermia. Can-cerous tumors lack blood vessels of adequate size for
dissipation of heat. In addition, the body’s immune system may be indirectly
stimulated when hyperthermia is used.
Hyperthermia is most effective when combined with radiation therapy,
chemotherapy, or biologic therapy. Hyperthermia and radiation therapy are
thought to work well together because hy-poxic tumor cells and cells in the S
phase of the cell cycle are moresensitive to heat than radiation; the addition
of heat damages tumor cells so that they cannot repair themselves after
radiation therapy. Hyperthermia is thought to alter cellular membrane
per-meability when used with chemotherapy, allowing for an in-creased uptake of
the chemotherapeutic agent. Hyperthermia may enhance function of immune system
cells, such as macrophages and T cells, which are stimulated by many biologic
Heat can be produced by using radiowaves, ultrasound, micro-waves,
magnetic waves, hot-water baths, or even hot-wax im-mersions. Hyperthermia may
be local or regional, or it may include the whole body. Local or regional
hyperthermia may be delivered to a cancerous extremity (for malignant melanoma)
by regional perfusion, in which the affected extremity is isolated by a
tourni-quet and an extracorporeal circulator heats the blood flowing through
the affected part. Hyperthermia probes may also be in-serted around a tumor in
a local area and attached to a heat source during treatment. Chemotherapeutic
agents, such as melphalan (Alkeran), may also be heated and instilled into the
region’s cir-culating blood. Local or regional hyperthermia may also include
infusion of heated solutions into cancerous body organs. Whole-body
hyperthermia to treat disseminated disease may be achieved by extracorporeal
circulation, immersion of patients in heated water or paraffin, or enclosure in
heated suits.
Side effects of hyperthermic treatments include skin burns and tissue
damage, fatigue, hypotension, peripheral neuropathies, thrombophlebitis,
nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and electrolyte im-balances. Resistance to
hyperthermia may develop during the treatment because cells adapt to repeated
thermal insult. Research into the effectiveness of hyperthermia, methods of
delivery, and side effects is ongoing.
Although hyperthermia has been used for many years, many pa-tients and
their families are unfamiliar with this cancer treatment. Consequently, they
need explanations about the procedure, its goals, and its effects. The patient
is assessed for adverse effects, and efforts are made to reduce their
occurrence and severity. Local skin care at the site of the implanted
hyperthermic probes is also required.
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