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Principles of Inheritance and Variation - Eugenics, Euphenics and Euthenics | 12th Zoology : Chapter 4 : Principles of Inheritance and Variation

Chapter: 12th Zoology : Chapter 4 : Principles of Inheritance and Variation

Eugenics, Euphenics and Euthenics

Application of the laws of genetics for the improvement of human race is called eugenics.

Eugenics, Euphenics And Euthenics



Application of the laws of genetics for the improvement of human race is called eugenics. The term eugenics means “well born” and was coined by Francis Galton in 1885. For the betterment of future generations it is necessary to increase the population of outstanding people and to decrease the population of abnormal and defective people by applying the principles of eugenics.

Two methods of Eugenics

i.               Constructive method or Positive eugenics

ii.               Restrictive method or Negative eugenics

i) Positive eugenics

Positive eugenics attempts to increase consistently better or desirable germplasm and to preserve the best germplasm of the society. The desirable traits can be increased by adopting the following measures:

i.               Early marriage of those having desirable traits

ii.               Subsiding the fit and establishing sperm and egg banks of precious germplasm

iii.               Educating the basic principles of genetics and eugenics

iv.               Improvement of environmental conditions

v.               Promotion of genetic research

(ii) Negative eugenics

Negative Eugenics attempts to eliminate the defective germplasm of the society by adopting the following measures:

i.               Sexual separation of the defectives

ii.               Sterilization of the defectives

iii.               Control of immigration and

(iv) Regulation of marriages



The symptomatic treatment of genetic disease of man is called Euphenics or Medical engineering. In 1960 Joshua Lederberg coined the term Euphenics. It means normal appearing. It deals with the control of several inherited human diseases especially the inborn errors of metabolism. Eg. Phenylketonuria (PKU)




The science of improvement of existing human race by improving the environmental conditions is called euthenics. It can be achieved by subjecting them to better nutrition, better unpolluted ecological conditions, better education and sufficient medical facilities.


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12th Zoology : Chapter 4 : Principles of Inheritance and Variation : Eugenics, Euphenics and Euthenics | Principles of Inheritance and Variation

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