Definition: The making of an incision into the prenium to enlarge the
vaginal orifice.
Delay due to rigid perineum, disproportion between fetus and vaginal
Fetal distress due to prolapsed cord in second stage.
To facilitate vaginal or intra uterine manipulation Eg. Forceps, breach
Preterm baby in order to avoid intracranial damage
Previous 3rd
degree repaired on the perineum.
Fetal acidosis and hypoxia are reduced
Over stretching of the pelvic floor is lessened
Bruising of the urethra is avoided.
In sever pre – eclampsia or cardiac disease to reduce the effort bearing
A previous third degree tear which may occur again because of the scar
tissue which does not stretch well is prevented.
Medio- lateral
· Median
J- shaped
1. Medio – lateral
The incision is begun in the center of the fourchette and directed
posterio laterally, usually to the woman’s right. Not more than 3cm long &
directed diagonally in straight line which runs 2.5cm distance from the anus.
Advantages - barthlion glands are not affected
Anal sphincters are not injured
2. Median: The incision begun in the center
of thefourchette and directed posteriorly for approximately 2.5cm in the
midline of the prenium.
Less bleeding
More easily and successfully repaired
Greater subsequent comfort for the women
3. J – shaped : The incision is began in the
center or thefourchtte and directed posteriorly in the midline for about 2cm
and then directed towards 7 on the clock to avoid the anus. Disadvantage
- The suturing is difficult
- Shearing of the tissue occurs
- The repaired wound tends to be
4. Lateral: The incision is begun one or
more in distant fromthe condomned.
Bartholins duct may be served
The levatorani muscle is weakened
Bleeding is more profuse
Suturing is more difficult
The woman experiences subsequent discomfort
Lignocaine /lidocaine/ 0.5 percent of 10ml is safe and efficient.
It takes effect rapidly with in 1 & 2 minutes.
The head should be well down on the perineum, low enough to keep it
stretched and thinned
In breech presentation the posterior buttock would be distending the
· It must be made neither too soon nor too late
Avoid incision on the previous episiotomy scar
Not more than 3 cm from fourchette and 2.5 cm from anus
Position the mother in lithotomy
Wait one or two minutes after injection of local anesthesia
Insert two flingers between the perineum with the fetal scalp
Do the incision during a uterine contraction
It should be deliberate cut
The cut should be adequate to remove any resistance to fetal head
May straight blunt painted scissors 17.5cm commonly used.
· Must be sharpened at frequent intervals
Should be sutured with in one hour after local analgesia given
The area is cleansed with savalon solution
For any leakage from the uterus, vaginal tampon or pack should be
Good light is essential
The two extent of the laceration is determined
Applying gauze swab
on the area
The pressure exerted
by the fetal head
If bleeding occurs
after delivery – two Spencer wells forceps should be applied to the bleeding
Vaginal wound
Deep and superficial tissue
Vaginal mucosa
Perineal muscles and fascia
Perineal skin and subcutaneous tissue
The first stitch inserted at the apex of the incision The most commonly
used suturing material is 2/0 chromic catgut.
Do not tie the sutures too tightly
The last stitches are important for they prevent excessive scar.
Press firmly on suture line with a pad to see if bleeding has stopped.
Remove perineal pad or suture pack from vagina. Rub up fundus put clean
pad on perineum
Put gloved finger in to the rectum – to make suture that no stitch has
one through the rectum
Make the women comfortable, clean and dry.
Hot bath, clean wound care
If pus or fouls smelling discharge develop report to health personnel
Advise not to strain and avoid constipation
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