direct thrombin inhibitors (DTIs) exert their anticoagulant effect by directly
binding to the active site of thrombin, thereby inhibiting thrombin’s
downstream effects. This is in contrast to indirect thrombin inhibitors such as
heparin and LMWH (see above), which act through antithrombin. Hirudin and bivaliru-din are bivalent DTIs in that they bind at both the
catalytic oractive site of thrombin as well as at a substrate recognition site.
Argatroban and melagatran are small molecules that bind only atthe thrombin
active site.
Leeches have been used
for bloodletting since the age of Hippocrates. More recently, surgeons have
used medicinal leeches (Hirudo medicinalis)
to prevent thrombosis in the fine vessels of reattached digits. Hirudin is a specific, irreversible
thrombin inhibitor from leech saliva that is now available in recombinant form
as lepirudin. Its action is
independent of antithrombin, which means it can reach and inactivate
fibrin-bound thrombin in thrombi. Lepirudin has little effect on platelets or
the bleeding time. Like heparin, it must be administered parenterally and is
monitored by the aPTT. Lepirudin is approved by the FDA for use in patients
with thrombosis related to heparin-induced thrombo-cytopenia. Lepirudin is
excreted by the kidney and should be used with great caution in patients with
renal insufficiency as no anti-dote exists. Up to 40% of patients who receive
long-term infusions develop an antibody directed against the thrombin-lepirudin
com-plex. These antigen-antibody complexes are not cleared by the kidney and
may result in an enhanced anticoagulant effect. Some patients re-exposed to the
drug have developed life-threatening anaphylactic reactions.
Bivalirudin, another bivalent inhibitor of thrombin, is admin-istered
intravenously, with a rapid onset and offset of action. The drug has a short
half-life with clearance that is 20% renal and the remainder metabolic.
Bivalirudin also inhibits platelet activation and has been FDA-approved for use
in percutaneous coronary angioplasty.
Argatroban is a small molecule thrombin inhibitor that isFDA-approved for
use in patients with HIT with or without thrombosis and coronary angioplasty in
patients with HIT. It, too, has a short half-life, is given by continuous
intravenous infusion, and is monitored by aPTT. Its clearance is not affected
by renal disease but is dependent on liver function; dose reduction is required
in patients with liver disease. Patients on argatroban will demonstrate
elevated INRs, rendering the transition to warfarin difficult (ie, the INR will
reflect contributions from both warfarin and argatroban). (INR is discussed in
detail in the discussion of warfarin administration.) A nomogram is supplied by
the manu-facturer to assist in this transition. No properly designed
head-to-head trials have been performed to determine whether argatroban or
lepirudin is superior in the treatment of HIT. However, in practice, the choice
of which DTI to use in a patient with HIT is usually dictated by the condition
of the clearing organ. If the patient has severe renal insufficiency, then
argatroban would be preferred. If there is severe hepatic insufficiency, then
lepirudin would be a better choice.
Advantages of oral
direct thrombin inhibitors include predictable pharmacokinetics and
bioavailability, which allow for fixed dosing and predictable anticoagulant
response, and make routine coagu-lation monitoring unnecessary. In addition,
these agents do not interact with P450-interacting drugs, and their rapid onset
and offset of action allow for immediate anticoagulation, thus avoid-ing the
need for overlap with additional anticoagulant drugs.
Dabigatran etexilate mesylate is the first oral direct thrombininhibitor
approved by the FDA. Dabigatran was approved in 2010 to reduce risk of stroke
and systemic embolism with nonval-vular atrial fibrillation. In the EU,
dabigatran is approved for prevention of venous thromboembolism in patients who
have undergone hip or knee replacement surgery. The pivotal trial lead-ing to
FDA approval was a study of > 18,000 patients with non-valvular atrial
fibrillation and at least one other defined risk factor. Dabigatran at a dose
of 150 mg bid was shown to be superior to warfarin with an INR target of 2–3 in
preventing stroke and sys-temic embolization.
Dabigatran and its
metabolites are direct thrombin inhibitors. Following oral administration,
dabigatran etexilate mesylate is converted to dabigatran. The oral
bioavailability is 3–7% in nor-mal volunteers. The drug is a substrate for the
P-glycoprotein efflux pump; however, P-glycoprotein inhibitors or inducers do
not have a significant effect on drug clearance. Concomitant use of
ketoconazole, amiodarone, quinidine, and clopidogrel increases the effect of
dabigatran. The half-life of the drug in normal volun-teers is 12–17 hours.
Renal impairment results in prolonged drugclearance and may require dose
adjustment; the drug should be avoided in patients with severe renal
For prevention of
stroke and systemic embolism in nonvalvular atrial fibrillation, 150 mg should
be given bid to patients with creatinine clearance > 30 mL/min. For decreased
creatinine clear-ance of 15–30 mL/min, the dose is 75 mg bid. No monitoring is
required. Dabigatran will prolong the PTT and thrombin time, which can be used
to estimate drug effect if necessary.
As with any
anticoagulant drug, the primary toxicity of dabigatran is bleeding. In the
RE-LY study, there was an increase in gastroin-testinal adverse reactions and
gastrointestinal bleeding compared to warfarin. There was also a trend toward
increased bleeding with dabigatran in patients older than 75 years. There is no
antidote for dabigatran. In a drug overdose situation, it is important to
main-tain renal function or dialyze if necessary. Use of recombinant factor
VIIa or prothrombin complex concentrates may be consid-ered as an unproven, off-label
use in cases of life-threatening bleeding associated with dabigatran use.
direct thrombin inhibitors and oral direct Xa inhibitors offer significant
advantages over warfarin (discussed next), which has a narrow therapeutic
window, is affected by diet and many drugs, and requires monitoring for dosage
adjustment. It appears that the oral anti-Xa drugs and oral direct thrombin
inhibitors are poised to challenge warfarin’s dominance in the prevention and
therapy of thrombotic disease.
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