Inflorescences may also have classified based on
branching, number and arrangement of flowers, and some specialized structures.
II. Determinate (cymose)
inflorescence: Inflorescence
of some plants show a combination of indeterminate and determinate pattern
inflorescence: Inflorescence
which do not confined to these patterns
Cymose inflorescence.
Central axis stops growing and ends in a flower,
further growth is by means of axillary buds. Old flowers present at apex and
young flowers at base
1. Simple
cyme (solitary): Determinate inflorescence consists of a single flower. It may be terminal or
axillary. Example: terminal in Trillium
grandiflorum and axillary in Hibiscus.
2. Monochasial
Cyme (uniparous): The main
axis ends with a flower. From two lateral bracts, only one branch grows
further. It may be helicoid (bostryx)
or Scorpioid (cincinnus).
Helicoid: Axis develops on only one side and forms a coil structure atleast at the earlier development
stage. Example: Hamelia, potato.
Scorpioid: Axis develops on alternate sides and often becomes a coil structure. Example: Heliotropium.
3. Simple
dichasium (Biparous): A central
axis ends in a terminal flower; further growth is produced by two lateral buds.
Each cymose unit consists of three flowers of which central one is old one.
This is true cyme. Example: Jasminum.
Compound dichasium: It has many
flowers. A terminal old flower develops lateral simple dichasial cymes on
both sides. Each compound dichasium consists of seven flowers. Example: Clerodendron.
A small,simple dichasium is called cymule
Polychasial Cyme (multiparous): The central axis ends with a flower. The lateral axes branches
repeatedly. Example: Nerium
Sympdial Cyme: In monochasial cyme, successive axes
at first develop in a zigzag manner and later it develops into a straight
pseudo axis.
Example: Solanum americanum.
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