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Types of Inflorescence - Cymose inflorescence | 11th Botany : Chapter 4 : Reproductive Morphology of Angiosperm

Chapter: 11th Botany : Chapter 4 : Reproductive Morphology of Angiosperm

Cymose inflorescence

Cymose inflorescence
Central axis stops growing and ends in a flower, further growth is by means of axillary buds.

Inflorescences may also have classified based on branching, number and arrangement of flowers, and some specialized structures.


I.   Indeterminate (racemose)


II.   Determinate (cymose)


III.   Mixed inflorescence: Inflorescence of some plants show a combination of indeterminate and determinate pattern


IV.   Special inflorescence: Inflorescence which do not confined to these patterns

Cymose inflorescence.

Central axis stops growing and ends in a flower, further growth is by means of axillary buds. Old flowers present at apex and young flowers at base

1. Simple cyme (solitary): Determinate inflorescence consists of a single flower. It may be terminal or axillary. Example: terminal in Trillium grandiflorum and axillary in Hibiscus.

2. Monochasial Cyme (uniparous): The main axis ends with a flower. From two lateral bracts, only one branch grows further. It may be helicoid (bostryx) or Scorpioid (cincinnus).


a. Helicoid: Axis develops on only one side and forms a coil structure atleast at the earlier development stage. Example: Hamelia, potato.

b. Scorpioid: Axis develops on alternate sides and often becomes a coil structure. Example: Heliotropium.

3. Simple dichasium (Biparous): A central axis ends in a terminal flower; further growth is produced by two lateral buds. Each cymose unit consists of three flowers of which central one is old one. This is true cyme. Example: Jasminum.

4. Compound dichasium: It has many flowers. A terminal old flower develops lateral simple dichasial cymes on both sides. Each compound dichasium consists of seven flowers. Example: Clerodendron.

A small,simple dichasium is called cymule

5. Polychasial Cyme (multiparous): The central axis ends with a flower. The lateral axes branches repeatedly. Example: Nerium

Sympdial Cyme: In monochasial cyme, successive axes at first develop in a zigzag manner and later it develops into a straight pseudo axis.

Example: Solanum americanum.


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11th Botany : Chapter 4 : Reproductive Morphology of Angiosperm : Cymose inflorescence | Types of Inflorescence

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11th Botany : Chapter 4 : Reproductive Morphology of Angiosperm

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