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Chapter: 11th 12th std standard Home Science Maintain Basic Knowledge for family life Higher secondary school College

Clothing selection

In the past, most people bought new clothes only when a need arose, for a very special occasion, or because their old clothes worn out. The average person simply could not afford to buy more than the basic necessities.



In the past, most people bought new clothes only when a need arose, for a very special occasion, or because their old clothes worn out. The average person simply could not afford to buy more than the basic necessities. Today income is larger, people can buy new clothes rather frequently. Therefore buying motives have changed. we are able to buy clothes because we want or like them. Buying motives vary from consumer to consumer and from day to day. They include the desire to.


Be Fashionable


We discard clothing that is still wearable only because it is out of fashion. This is referred to as consumer obsolescence.


Be attractive


We want clothes that will make us look our best or show off our physical attributes.


Impress others


We may want to exhibit our taste level or income level through clothing. Expensive brands of certain items have been labeled status symbols.


Be accepted by friends or colleagues (peer groups)


Peer groups have conservative tastes, they do not want to differ from their groups. Buying patterns suggest that they like some direction or guidance as a framework for their choices.

Fill an emotional need


New clothes often help a person feel better psychologically. However, this motive often leads to impulse buying (buying without careful consideration)

Elements of fashion appeal


The elements of fashion appeal are basically the same as the elements of design, but here they are viewed by the purchaser rather than the creator.



Usually the first aspect of a garment or accessory to which consumers respond is colour. People relate very personally to colour, usually selecting or rejecting a fashion because the colour does or does not appeal to them or flatter their own colouring.



The surface interest in the fabric of a garment or accessory is called texture. Consumers relate to texture because of its sensuous appeal.




The elements that define a style include line, silhouette and details. A garment's appearance is also affected by hanger appeal. Depending on the consumer's level of fashion consciousness, their judgment will be conditioned by their opinion of what is currently fashionable.

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11th 12th std standard Home Science Maintain Basic Knowledge for family life Higher secondary school College : Clothing selection |

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