Organ and Organ Systems in Animals
Choose the Correct Answers
1. The clitellum is a distinct part in the body of earthworm Lampito mauritii, it is found in?
a. Segments 13 - 14
b. Segments 14 - 17
c. Segments 12 - 13
d. Segments 14 - 16
2. Sexually, earthworms are
a. Sexes are separate
b. Hermaphroditic but not self - fertilizing
c. Hermaphroditic and self – fertilizing
d. Parthenogenic
3. To sustain themselves, earthworms must guide their way through the soil using their powerful muscles. They gather nutrients by ingesting organic matter and soil, absorbingwhattheyneedintotheirbodies. True or False: The two ends of the earthworm can equally ingest soil.
a. True
b. False
4. The head region of Cockroach _ _ _ pairs of _ _ _ and shaped eyes occur.
a. One pair, sessile compound and kidney shaped
b. Two pairs, stalked compound and round shaped
c. Many pairs, sessile simple and kidney shaped
d. Many pairs, stalked compound and kidney shaped
5. The location and numbers of malpighian tubules in Periplaneta.
a. At the junction of midgut and hindgut, about 150.
b. At the junction of foregut and midgut, about 150.
c. Surrounding gizzard, eight.
d. At the junction of colon and rectum, eight.
6. The type of vision in Cockroach is _ _ _
a. Three dimensional
b. Two dimensional
c. Mosaic
d. Cockroach do not have vision
7. How many abdominal segments are present in male and female Cockroaches?
a. 10, 10
b. 9, 10
c. 8, 10
d. 9, 9
8. Which of the following does not have an open circulatory system?
a. Frog
b. Earthworm
c. Pigeon
d. Cockroach
9. Buccopharyngeal respiration in frog
a. is increased when nostrils are closed
b. Stops when there is pulmonary respiration
c. is increased when it is catching fly
d. stops when mouth is opened.
10. Kidney of frog is
a. Archinephros
b. Pronephros
c. Mesonephros
d. Metanephros
11. Presence of gills in the tadpole of frog indicates that
a. fishes were amphibious in the past
b. fishes involved from frog -like ancestors
c. frogs will have gills in future
d. frogs evolved from gilled ancestor
12. Choose the wrong statement among the following:
a. In earthworm, a single male genital pore is present.
b. Setae help in locomotion of earthworms.
c. Muscular layer in the body wall of earthworm is made up of only circular muscles.
d. Typhlosole is part of the intestine of earthworm.
13. Which of the following are the sense organs of Cockroach?
a. Antennae,compound eyes, maxillary palps, anal cerci
b. Antennae, compound eye, maxillary palps and tegmina
c. Antennae, ommatidia, maxillary palps, sternum
d. Antennae, eyes, maxillary palps, and tarsus of walking legs
14. Pneumatic bone is found in
a. Shark
b. Rana
c. Pigeon
d. Whale
15. What is the function of the preen gland?
a. produce digestive enzymes.
b. To release scents that help attract mates.
c. To control salt balance in the body.
d. To produce an oil substance used to condition the feathers.
16. Quill feathers at the base of quill wings are called
a. Coverts
b. Remiges
c. Down feathers
d. Barbules.
17. Excretory waste of birds and reptitles are
a. Urea
b. Ammonia
c. Uric acid
d. Ammonia and uric acid.
18. Which of the following is an adaptation to the aerial mode of life in Pigeon
a. Single ovary on the left side
b. Pair of ovary on both the side
c. Single ovary on the right side
d. Both (a) and (c)
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