A B-tree
is a tree data structure that keeps data sorted and allows searches,
insertions, and deletions in logarithmic amortized time. Unlike self-balancing
binary search trees, it is optimized for systems that read and write large
blocks of data. It is most commonly used in database and file systems.
The B-Tree Rules
properties of a B-tree:
B-tree nodes have many more than two children.
A B-tree node may contain more than just a single
The set
formulation of the B-tree rules: Every B-tree depends on a positive constant
integer called MINIMUM, which is used to determine how many elements are held
in a single node.
Rule 1: The
root can have as few as one element (or even no elements if it also has no children); every other node has at
least MINIMUM elements.
Rule 2:
The maximum number
of elements in
a node is
twice the value
Rule 3: The
elements of each B-tree node are stored in a partially filled array, sorted from the smallest element (at index 0)
to the largest element (at the final used position of the array).
Rule 4: The
number of subtrees below a nonleaf node is always one more than the
number of
elements in the node.
o Subtree 0, subtree 1, ...
Rule 5: For any
nonleaf node:
An element at index i is greater than all the elements in subtree number i of the node, and
2. An element at index i is less than all the elements in subtree number i + 1 of the node.
Rule 6: Every leaf in a B-tree has the same depth. Thus it ensures that a B-tree avoids the problem of a unbalanced tree.
The Set Class Implementation with B-Trees
"Every child of a node is also the root of a
smaller B-tree".
class IntBalancedSet implements Cloneable
static final int MINIMUM = 200;
static final int MAXIMUM = 2*MINIMUM;
data = new int[MAXIMUM + 1];
subset = new IntBalancedSet[MAXIMUM + 2];
// Constructor:
initialize an empty set public IntBalancedSet()
// add: add
a new element to this set, if the element was already in the set, then there is
no change.
void add(int element)
// clone:
generate a copy of this set.
IntBalancedSet clone()
contains: determine whether a particular element is in this set
boolean contains(int target)
remove: remove a specified element from this set
boolean remove(int target)
Searching for a Target in a Set
1. Make a
local variable, i, equal to the first
index such that data[i] >= target.
If there is no such index, then set i
equal to dataCount, indicating that none of the elements is greater than or
equal to the target.
2. if (we
found the target at data[i]) return
else if
(the root has no children) return false;
return subset[i].contains(target);
Example, try to search for 10.
We can
implement a private method:
int firstGE(int target), which returns the first location in the root such that
data[x] >= target. If there's no
such location, then return value is dataCount.
Adding an Element to a B-Tree
It is
easier to add a new element to a B-tree if we relax one of the B-tree rules.
addition allows the root node of the B-tree to have MAXIMUM = 1 elements. For
example, suppose we want to add 18 to the tree:
The above
result is an illegal B-tree. Our plan is to perform a loose addition first, and
then fix the root's problem.
The Loose Addition Operation for
a B-Tree:
void looseAdd(int element)
i =
firstGE(element) // find the first index such that data[i] >= element
if (we
found the new element at data[i]) return; // since there's already a copy in
the set else if (the root has no children)
Add the
new element to the root at data[i]. (shift array)
else {
if the
root of subset[i] now has an excess element, then fix that problem before
void fixExcess(int i)
// precondition:
(i < childCount) and the entire B-tree is valid except that subset[i] has
MAXIMUM + 1 elements.
the tree is rearranged to satisfy the loose addition rule
Fixing a Child with an Excess
To fix a child with MAXIMIM + 1 elements, the child
node is split into two nodes that each contain MINIMUM elements. This leaves
one extra element, which is passed up to the parent.
It is always the middle element of the split node
that moves upward.
The parent of the split node gains one additional
child and one additional element.
· The children of the split node have been equally distributed between the two smaller nodes.
Fixing the Root with an Excess
Create a new root.
Removing an Element from a B-Tree
Loose removal rule: Loose
removal allows to leave a root that has one element too few. public boolean remove(int target)
answer =
((dataCount == 0) && (childCount == 1))
Fix the
root of the entire tree so that it no longer has zero elements;
boolean looseRemove(int target)
1. i =
2. Deal with
one of these four possibilities:
2a. if
(root has no children and target not found) return false.
2b. if(
root has no children but target found) {
the target
2c. if (root has children and target not found)
{ answer = subset[i].looseRemove(target)
if (subset[i].dataCount < MINIMUM)
fixShortage(i) return true
2d. if (root has children and target found) {
data[i] = subset[i].removeBiggest()
if (subset[i].dataCount < MINIMUM)
void fixShortage(int i)
// Precondition:
(i < childCount) and the entire B-tree is valid except that subset[i] has
MINIMUM - 1 elements.
// Postcondition:
problem fixed based on the looseRemoval rule.
int removeBiggest()
// Precondition:
(dataCount > 0) and this entire B-tree is valid
// Postcondition:
the largest element in this set has been removed and returned. The entire
B-tree is still valid based on the looseRemoval rule.
Fixing Shortage in a Child:
fixShortage(i) is activated, we know
that subset[i] has MINIMUM - 1
elements. There are four cases that we need to consider:
Case 1: Transfer an extra element from
subset[i-1]. Suppose subset[i-1] has more than the MINIMUM number of elements.
a. Transfer
data[i-1] down to the front of
b. Transfer
the final element of subset[i-1].data
up to replace data[i-1].
c. If
subset[i-1] has children, transfer
the final child of subset[i-1] over
to the front of subset[i].
Case 2: Transfer an extra element from
subset[i+1]. Suppose subset[i+1] has more than the MINIMUM number of elements.
Case 3: Combine subset[i] with
subset[i-1]. Suppose subset[i-1] has only MINIMUM elements
a. Transfer
data[i-1] down to the end of subset[i-1].data.
b. Transfer
all the elements and children from subset[i]
to the end of subset[i-1].
c. Disconnect
the node subset[i] from the B-tree by
shifting subset[i+1], subset[i+2] and so on leftward.
Case 4: Combine subset[i] with
subset[i+1]. Suppose subset[i+1] has only MINIMUM
We may need to continue activating fixShortage() until the B-Tree rules are
Removing the Biggest Element from
a B-Tree:
int removeBiggest()
if (root
has no children)
remove and return the last element else {
answer =
subset[childCount-1].removeBiggest() if (subset[childCount-1].dataCount <
fixShortage(childCount-1) return answer
A more concrete example for node
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