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Chapter: Data Warehousing and Data Mining : Association Rule Mining and Classification

Associative Classification

Association rules are generated and analyzed for use in classification

Associative Classification

Associative classification

o   Association rules are generated and analyzed for use in classification


o   Search for strong associations between frequent patterns (conjunctions of attribute-value pairs) and class labels

o   Classification: Based on evaluating a set of rules in the form of

P1 ^ p2 … ^ pl à ―Aclass = C‖ (conf, sup)

Why effective?


o   It explores highly confident associations among multiple attributes and may overcome some constraints introduced by decision-tree induction, which considers only one attribute at a time


In many studies, associative classification has been found to be more accurate than some traditional classification methods, such as C4.



Typical Associative Classification Methods

CBA (Classification By Association: Liu, Hsu & Ma, KDD’98)

o   Mine association possible rules in the form of

o     Cond-set (a set of attribute-value pairs) à class label

o   Build classifier: Organize rules according to decreasing precedence based on confidence and then support

CMAR (Classification based on Multiple Association Rules: Li, Han, Pei, ICDM’01)


o   Classification: Statistical analysis on multiple rules

CPAR (Classification based on Predictive Association Rules: Yin & Han, SDM’03)


o   Generation of predictive rules (FOIL-like analysis)

o   High efficiency, accuracy similar to CMAR

RCBT  (Mining  top-k  covering  rule  groups  for  gene  expression  data,  Cong  et  al.



o   Explore high-dimensional classification, using top-k rule groups


o   Achieve high classification accuracy and high run-time efficiency

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