The most important example is mifepristone which is used to induce
abortion (in the first trimester). Mifepristone is indi-cated for the medical
termination of intrauterine pregnancy for pregnancies up to 49 days in
duration. It has also been used successfully as an emergency contraceptive
agent, in the treatment of inoperable meningiomas, as a cervical ripening and
labour induction agent, and has significantly decreased the tumour volume in
patients with uterine leiomyomas. Mifepristone is a substituted 19-nor steroid
compound, derived from norethisterone, with potent anti-progestogenic activity,
anti-glucocorticoid activity, and weak anti-androgenic activity.
Adverse effects include nausea,
anorexia, abdominal pain, fatigue, and menorrhagia. Severe uterine bleeding,
necessi-tating blood transfusions and curettage in some instances, may occur
following therapeutic administration of mifepristone as sole therapy or in
combination therapy with prostaglandin or misoprostol administration. Other
adverse effects of mifepris-tone include dizziness, skin rashes, and elevated
liver enzyme levels.
Due to mifepristone’s
antiglucocorticoid activity, it is specu-lated that mifepristone overdose
ingestions may result in adrenal failure, though this has not yet occurred. In
case of mifepristone intoxication, treatment is symptomatic and supportive. In
cases of severe uterine bleeding after elective abortion, curettage and
transfusion of packed red blood cells may be necessary.
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