Respiratory acidosis is
a clinical disorder in which the pH is less than 7.35 and the PaCO2
is greater than 42mm Hg. It may be either acute or chronic.
Respiratory acidosis is
always due to inadequate excretion of CO2 with inadequate
ventilation, resulting in elevated plasma CO2 levels and thus
elevated carbonic acid (H2CO3) levels (Epstein &
Singh, 2001). In addition to an elevated PaCO2, hypoventilation
usually causes a decrease in PaO2. Acute respiratory acidosis
oc-curs in emergency situations, such as acute pulmonary edema, as-piration of
a foreign object, atelectasis, pneumothorax, overdose of sedatives, sleep apnea
syndrome, administration of oxygen to a patient with chronic hypercapnia
(excessive CO2 in the blood), severe pneumonia, and acute
respiratory distress syndrome. Res-piratory acidosis can also occur in diseases
that impair respira-tory muscles, such as muscular dystrophy, myasthenia
gravis, and Guillain-Barré syndrome.
Mechanical ventilation can be associated with
hypercapnia if the rate of effective alveolar ventilation is inadequate.
Ventilation is fixed in these patients, and CO2 may be retained if
the rate of CO2 production is increased.
Clinical signs in acute
and chronic respiratory acidosis vary. Sud-den hypercapnia (elevated PaCO2)
can cause increased pulse and respiratory rate, increased blood pressure,
mental cloudiness, and feeling of fullness in the head. An elevated PaCO2
causes cere-brovascular vasodilation and increased cerebral blood flow, particularly when it is higher than 60 mm Hg.
Ventricular fibrilla-tion may be the first sign of respiratory acidosis in
anesthetized patients.
If respiratory acidosis
is severe, intracranial pressure may in-crease, resulting in papilledema and
dilated conjunctival blood vessels. Hyperkalemia may result as hydrogen
concentration overwhelms the compensatory mechanisms and moves into cells,
causing a shift of potassium out of the cell.
Chronic respiratory
acidosis occurs with pulmonary diseases such as chronic emphysema and
bronchitis, obstructive sleep apnea, and obesity. As long as the PaCO2
does not exceed the body’s ability to compensate, the patient will be
asymptomatic. However, if the PaCO2rises rapidly, cerebral
vasodilation will in-crease intracranial pressure; cyanosis and tachypnea will
develop. Patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease who gradu-ally
accumulate CO2 over a prolonged period (days to months) may not
develop symptoms of hypercapnia because compen-satory renal changes have had
time to occur.
Arterial blood gas evaluation reveals a pH less than 7.35, a PaCO2 greater than 42 mm Hg, and a variation in
the bicarbonate level, depending on the duration of the acidosis in acute
respiratory aci-dosis. When compensation (renal retention of bicarbonate) has
fully occurred, the arterial pH may be within the lower limits of normal.
Depending on the cause of respiratory acidosis, other di-agnostic measures
would include monitoring of serum electrolyte levels, chest x-ray for
determining any respiratory disease, and a drug screen if an overdose is
suspected. An ECG to identify any cardiac involvement as a result of chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease may be indicated as well.
Treatment is directed at improving ventilation (Epstein & Singh,
2001); exact measures vary with the cause of inadequate ventila-tion.
Pharmacologic agents are used as indicated. For example, bronchodilators help
reduce bronchial spasm, antibiotics are used for respiratory infections, and
thrombolytics or anticoagulants are used for pulmonary emboli.
Pulmonary hygiene
measures are initiated, when necessary, to clear the respiratory tract of mucus
and purulent drainage. Ade-quate hydration (2–3 L/day) is indicated to keep the
mucous membranes moist and thereby facilitate the removal of secretions.
Supplemental oxygen is used as necessary.
Mechanical ventilation, used appropriately, may improve pul-monary
ventilation. Inappropriate mechanical ventilation (eg, increased dead space,
insufficient rate or volume settings, high fraction of inspired oxygen [FiO2]
with excessive CO2 production) may cause such rapid excretion of CO2
that the kidneys will be un-able to eliminate excess bicarbonate quickly enough
to prevent al-kalosis and seizures. For this reason, the elevated PaCO2
must be decreased slowly. Placing the patient in a semi-Fowler’s
positionfacilitates expansion of the chest wall. Treatment of chronic
res-piratory acidosis is the same as for acute respiratory acidosis.
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