Political thinkers have attempted to explain the origin of the state in
various ways. When, where and how the state came into existence have not been
recorded anywhere in history. Therefore, the political thinkers were compelled
to adopt various hypotheses, many of which are now discredited in the light of
modern knowledge. Among the many theories which are concerned with the origin
of the state the following are explained in this chapter.
The Theory of Divine origin
Social Contract Theory.
Matriarchal and Patriarchal Theory.
Force Theory.
Evolutionary Theory.
The theory of divine origin is the oldest among all theories. According
to this theory state is established and governed by God himself. God may rule
the state directly or indirectly through some ruler who is regarded as an agent
of God.
The trace of divine origin is seen in the epic Mahabarat. According to
the Mahabarat there was anarchy in the beginning in the society and the people
prayed to God to come to their rescue.
offered the following prayer. 'Without a chief, O Lord we are perishing Give us
a chief, whom we shall worship and who will protect us'. It was under these
circumstances that God appointed the king to rule the people.
To quote King James I of England,
'Kings are justly called gods for they exercise
a manner of resemblance of divine power on earth. Kings are accountable to God
above and only. The people cannot question him for the right or wrong done by
The rise of Christianity and the growth of the
power of the church in the medieval period led to a conflict between church and
state and an active discussion of the divine origin of political power. All
were agreed that the ultimate source of authority was divine but the supporters
of the church say that Pope alone received his power directly from God.
Kings are breathing images of God upon earth. Even if the king be
wicked, the subject has no right to rebel against him. To rebel against the
king is to rebel against God himself for the God's chosen Vassal.
The main points in the doctrine of the divine
right of kings may thus be summed up.
Monarchy is divinely ordained and the king draws
his authority from God.
Monarchy is hereditary and it is the divine
right of a king that it should pass from father to son.
The king is answerable to God alone; and
Resistance to the lawful authority of a king is
a sin.
The theory of divine origin was popular for a
long time but later on it began to decline on account of many factors.
The theory of divine origin has been criticised
on many grounds.
To say
that God selects this or that man as ruler is contrary to experience and common
sense. God cannot be expected to do such worldly things for human beings. The
theory is dangerous because it pinpoints the unlimited and arbitrary power of
the kings.
The theory of divine origin of the state advocates only monarchical form
of government. The monarchical form of government is practically disappearing
from the world. No wonder the theory of divine origin also does not find its
supporters in modern times.
We all believe in the theory of evolution. Everything in the world has
grown up by slow degrees and consequently the same must have been the case with
the state. It is too much to believe that one day God thought of creating the
state and created one.
The theory put emphasis on revelation and not reason. In modern times we
attribute everything to reason and hence it is not accepted today.
Although the theory has many defects and is no longer accepted today, it
cannot be denied that it had its utility.
The theory of social contract with its emphasis on consent, was a great
deadlock to the theory of divine origin. It was maintained that state was
created by individuals by means of a contract and not by God. The separation of
the church from the state was also partly responsible for the decline of the
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