The kidney in sytemic disease
Diabetes mellitus: This is a common cause of renal disease and accounts
for a large number of patients who need dialysis..
Multiple myeloma: Many patients with multiple myeloma will develop renal
complications such as proteinuria, acute or chronic renal failure and
amyloidosis. There are several contributing factors to the development of ARF,
including hypercalcaemia and dehydration. The mechanism of development of
‘myeloma kidney’ is via a direct toxic effect on renal tubular cells and
blockage of the tubules and collecting ducts by the paraprotein. In addition,
patients may develop amyloidosis and renal tubular acidosis as complications of
multiple myeloma.
Amyloidosis: This condition may be systemic or confined to the kidneys
and is an important cause of glomerular disease. It can cause proteinuria,
nephrotic syndrome and renal failure.
Henoch–Schonlein¨ purpura (HSP): This systemic vasculitis causes a
purpuric rash, abdominal pains, joint pains and a glomerulonephritis that is
indistinguishable from IgA nephropathy. This is unsurprising, as HSP is
characterised by tissue deposition of IgA containing immune complexes..
Systemic lupus erythematosus: This multisystem connective tissue disease
commonly affects the kidneys. SLE is the great mimicker of almost every type of
glomerulonephritis from minimal change disease, to membranous nephropathy, to
proliferative glomerulonephritis.
Systemic sclerosis: This connective tissue disorder can cause acute or
chronic renal disease due to the damage caused to the renal arterioles. The
only treatment known to be of benefit is ACE inhibitors..
ANCA-associated vasculitis: This includes Wegener’s Granulomatosis and
Polyarteritis Nodosa which can cause rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis,
with acute renal failure. Early treatment with immunosuppression regimes such
as plasmapheresis, high dose steroids and cyclophosphamide can improve renal
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