It has been known since the seventeenth century that
the transfusion of blood between individuals could have rapid and fatal
consequences. Fortunately, in 1900 Landsteiner (1868–1943) discovered that
individuals could be classified into different groups depending on the
characteristics of their erythrocytes and the presence of specific antibodies
in their plasma to erythrocyte anti-gens. These discoveries laid the
foundations for the routine and safe therapeu-tic transfusion of blood.
Landsteiner drew blood from a number of individuals and separated the
erythrocytes from the plasma. He then mixed together all possible combinations
of erythrocytes and plasma from these individuals together and showed that only
certain combinations resulted in the clump-ing or agglutination of the erythrocytes (Figure 6.2). These patterns of agglu-tination showed that there
were different blood groups, which Landsteiner named A, B and O. In 1902 von
Decastelo (1872–1960) and Sturli (1873–1964) discovered a fourth blood group
which he called AB. It became clear that fatal blood transfusions resulted from
incompatible blood being transfused and
that these procedures were successful when the blood
transfused was of an identical blood group. The discovery of the ABO blood
group system led to Landsteiner receiving the Nobel Prize for Physiology and
Medicine in 1930. Landsteiner later discovered other blood group systems,
including the Rh sys-tem. Since then, numerous other systems have been
discovered, as shown in Table 6.2. These blood groups systems have been assigned numbers by the International Society for Blood Transfusion (ISBT) and these, together with the conventional abbreviations, are shown. There is insufficient space in this chapter to discuss all blood groups and only those of greatest clinical significance will be discussed.
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