Testing of concrete sleepers
In addition to the control checks
exercised on the material and manufacturing process, the concrete and the
finished sleepers are subjected to the following periodical checks and tests.
(a) The
minimum 28-day compressive strength of the test cube should not be less than
525 kg/cm2. Sleepers from occasional batches in which the minimum
crushing strength falls below 525 kg/cm2 but not below 490 kg/cm2
may be accepted subject to their passing the increased frequency of testing for
static bending strength.
(b) The
minimum compressive strength of the test cube of concrete at detensioning
should not be less than 370 kg/cm2.
(c) The
modulus of rupture should be as specified in the Concrete Bridge Code.
(d) The
dimensional tolerance and surface finish of the sleepers should be checked
using suitable templates and gauges.
(e) The
cracking and failure moments of the sleepers should be tested at the following
sections by applying suitable loads:
(a) Positive
cracking moment at rail seat bottom
(b) Negative
cracking moment at centre section top
(c) Positive
cracking moment at centre section bottom
(d) Failure
moment at rail seat bottom
(f) For the
abrasion resistance test, the concrete sleeper is subjected to a vibrating load
under specified conditions. After 300 hours of operating time, the loss in
weight due to abrasion should not be more than 3%.
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