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Chapter: Mechanical : Robotics : Fundamentals of Robot

Speed of Robot Motion

1. Point-to-point (PTP) control robot: 2. Continuous-path (CP) control robot: 3. Controlled-path robot:

Speed of Motion


1.  Point-to-point (PTP) control robot: is capable of moving from one point to another point. The locations are recorded in the control memory. PTP robots do not control the path to get from one point to the next point. Common applications include component insertion, spot welding, whole drilling, machine loading and unloading, and crude assembly operations.


2.  Continuous-path (CP) control robot: with CP control, the robot can stop at any specified point along the controlled path. All the points along the path must be stored explicitly in the robot’s control memory. Typicalfinishing,applicationgluing,andarc welding operations.



3. Controlled-path robot: the control equipment can generate paths of different geometry such as straight lines, circles, and interpolated curves with a high degree of accuracy. All controlled-path robots have a servo capability to correct their path.


Pay Load

 Maximum payload is  the weight of the  robotic  wrist, including the  EOAT and work  piece. It varies with different robot applications and models. Determining your  payload requirements is one way to narrow down your robot search.

Robots are devices that are programmed to move parts, or to do work with a tool. Robotics is a multidisciplinary engineering field dedicated to the development of autonomous devices, including manipulators and mobile vehicles.


Roboticists develop man-made mechanical devices that can move by themselves, whose motion must be modelled, planned, sensed, actuated and controlled, and whose motion


behaviour can be influenced by nt”“programming”iftheys in moving in safe interaction with an unstructured environment, while autonomously achieving their specified tasks.


This definition implies that a device c movable mechanism, influenced by sensing, planning, actuation and control components. It does not imply that a minimum number of these components must be implemented in software, or be changeable by the “consumer” who uses can have been hard-wired into the device by the manufacturer.

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