The two
important documents connected with meetings are the agenda and the minutes. A
few days before the meeting, the secretary circulates among the members a list
of the items to be discussed at the meeting. This is called the agenda for the
meeting. After the meeting, the secretary prepares a report on the decisions
taken at the meeting. This report is called the minutes of the meeting. The
minutes of the meeting have to be prepared with care as it is the authentic
record of what happened at the meeting. It is essential that the minutes are
brief and accurate.
Look at
the following agenda and minutes of a meeting of the United Printers'
Association of South India.
A) Agenda
for the 14th meeting of United Printers Association of South India
at Printers' House, Chennai on Monday, 06 January, 2014.
Confirmation of the minutes of 13th
Action taken on the minutes of the 13th
Proposal to start a journal. (the report of the
sub-committee appointed to study this proposal is enclosed)
Need for import of printing machinery.
5. Proposal to send a representative to the World Conference of Printers.) Minutes of the 14th meeting of the United Printers Association of South India at Printers'
House, Chennai on Monday, 06 January, 2014.
Members present
1. Mr. A.B. Prabhu (in the chair) 2. Mr. P. Narayana Pillai
3. Mr. M.C. Jacob 4. Mr. K.N. Subramanian
5. Mr. K.C. Patil 6. Mrs. Revathy Reddy
Mr. N.
Srinivasan could not be present. His telegram, expressing inability to attend
the meeting, was read out.
The minutes of the 13th meeting were
confirmed and signed.
The members noted the action taken on the minutes
of the previous meeting. It was felt that the work on the construction of two
more rooms at the Printers' House should be expedited.
The association, after a brief discussion, agreed
to the recommendation made by the sub-committee. The meeting decided to start
the journal from March, 2014. An expenditure of Rs. 1 lakh was sanctioned for this
The meeting decided to make representations to the
government of India to allow import of printing machinery under open general
license. A three-member delegation consisting of Mr. A.B. Prabhu, Mr. K.N. Subramanian and Mrs. Revathy Reddy was constituted to go to Delhi and make
representations to the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Commerce.
The meeting decided to send Mr. P. Narayana Pillai as its representative to the World
Conference of Printers to be held at Berlin in June 2014.
Mr. K.C.
Patil suggested that the Association should open its membership to smaller printers with an investment of
Rs.25,000/- and above. After a brief discussion the meeting decided to postpone
this item till the next meeting.
It was decided that the next meeting of the
Association should be held in December 2014.
The meeting ended at 1.10 pm with a vote of thanks
to the chair.
Notice the following features of the minutes
Heading: The name of the organization, the number of the meeting, the time and place of the meeting are given in the
Names of
the Chairman and the members present.
absent, if any. Any communication received from them.
Decisions of the meeting: Each item
is mentioned in a separate paragraph. Decisions are recorded with precision. They are recorded in the order in which
the items are mentioned in the agenda.
Decision about the next meeting.
Vote of thanks to the chair.
a report on a fire accident due to leakage of electric current in a ladies hostel
where two electrical engineering students died. Also give a set of
recommendations for preventing such accidents in future.
Ladies hostel
College of Engineering
College of Engineering
Dear sir,
Report on the fire accident in the Ladies Hostel - reg. With reference to the
intimation No.561/14 dated 19.1.2014, the Committee members constituted by you
and I investigated the cause for the accident and have prepared a report with
recommendations to avoid such incidences in future. The report is enclosed for
your perusal. Thanking you,
Hemalatha Kumar
Executive summary:
This is the report prepared on the request by the
Principal. A committee was formed with the Warden of the Hostel as the convener
to find about the exact cause of the fire accident which killed two final year
students of the college on 26th January in the Ladies Hostel
premises. The committee comprised the following members:
Mrs. Jancy Nelson / Professor, Information
Mrs. Vijaya Krishnan / Associate Professor, EEE
Mrs. Uma Balaji / Member, Parents' Association
Mrs. Hemalatha Kumar / The Warden, Ladies Hostel
of the Incident:
19.01.2014, when the inmates of the ladies hostel had finished their dinner and
were in the study time, there occurred a sudden explosion. The girls and the
Resident Counselor rushed out of their rooms. Fire and smoke was seen in room
no.15 - the last room in the corridor. Screams were heard. Everybody rushed to
the room and brought pales of water and poured on the fire. Fire extinguisher
with the sand available was sprayed. The RC immediately dialed the fire service
department and alerted the Security also. One girl, with presence of mind,
switched off the main electrical supply for that wing of rooms. When the fire
engine arrived, the fire had been almost brought under control. But,
unfortunately, the two roommates who were in the room had been suffocated and
they were brought out dead. The girls started crying on seeing the bodies. The
bodies were shifted to the Government Hospital for post mortem and the
necessary formalities. The parents of the girls were informed about the
accident. Investigation details:
Management formed a Committee the very next morning and the Committee visited
the site of the accident. The girls in the adjacent rooms were enquired. Their
classmates confessed that the two girls were very studious and as they both
were doing Electrical Engineering, they would be always doing something with
circuits and wires. Probably, one of such experiments would have caused a short
circuit and they might have overlooked that.
the explosion, heavy black smoke emanated from the room. The girls might have collapsed
due to the sudden shock and suffocation.
It was the presence of mind of Ms. Jancy, that the
fire was prevented from spreading to the neighborhood rooms. All the girls did
their best. The combined effort of the RC, the girl students and the Security
helped to bring down the situation under control. Management
Management immediately took all measure to inform the parents and the
authorities concerned. They have done their best to give solace to the other
inmates and the parents.
More than
60% fires are of electric origin on account of electric short circuit,
overheating, overloading, use of nonstandard appliances, illegal tapping of
electric wires, improper electrical wiring, carelessness and ignorance, etc.
Proper care should be taken and instructions should be scrupulously followed.
If not done, it can lead to serious fire and fatal accidents. Also, electrical
fires spread rapidly especially in buildings and cause loss of lives and
The students should be prevented from doing
electrical experimental work in the hostel premises. In case, they want to do,
they should do it in the laboratories under the supervision of a tutor.
All hostels should be installed with devices that
would spray Carbon dioxide or dry powder in case of a fire accident.
Students should be given training on using
electrical goods properly.
Training can be given on the ways to handle
emergency situations.
Care should be taken to use good quality fuses of
correct rating, miniature circuit breakers
and earth
leakage circuit breakers.
The fatal
death of two girls has acted as an eye-opener to many living in hostels.
Precaution should be taken by the authorities to prevent students misusing the
facilities provided to them. It is also a revelation to students to be careful
with electrical equipments.
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