Place Value of digits in Large Numbers
Every digit of a number has a place value which gives the value of the digit.
Finding the place value of all the
digits in 9847056
The Place value of 6 is 6 × 1 = 6 (Six)
The Place value of 5 is 5 × 10 = 50 (Fifty)
The Place value of 0 is 0 × 100 = 0 (Zero)
The Place value of 7 is 7 × 1000 = 7000 (Seven Thousand)
The Place value of 4 is 4 × 10000 = 40000 (Forty
The Place value of 8 is 8 × 100000 = 800000 (Eight
The Place value of 9 is 9 × 1000000 = 9000000 (Ninety
Hence, the number 9847056 is read
as Ninety Eight Lakh Forty Seven Thousand Fifty Six.
Try these
1. Find
the place value of underlined digits.
(i) 38,
41, 567
8 × 100000 = 800000 (Eight
(ii) 94,
43, 810
4 × 10000 = 40000 (Forty
2. Write
down the numerals and place value of 5 in the numbers represented by the following
number names.
(i) Forty
Seven Lakh Thirty Eight Thousand Five Hundred Sixty One.
47, 38, 561
5 × 100 = 500 (Five hundred)
(ii) Nine
Crore Eighty Two Lakh Fifty Thousand Two Hundred Forty One.
5 × 10000 = 50000 (Fifty thousand)
(iii) Nineteen Crore Fifty Seven Lakh
Sixty Thousand Three Hundred Seventy.
19, 57, 60,370
5 × 1000000 = 5000000 (Fifty Lakh)
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