Osteomalacia is a
metabolic bone disease characterized by inade-quate mineralization of bone. As
a result of faulty mineralization, there is softening and weakening of the
skeleton, causing pain, tenderness to touch, bowing of the bones, and
pathologic fractures. On physical examination, skeletal deformities (spinal
kyphosis and bowed legs) give patients an unusual appearance and a waddling or
limping gait. These patients may be uncomfortable with their appearance. As a
result of calcium deficiency, muscle weakness, and unsteadiness, there is an
increased risk for falls and fractures.
The primary defect in osteomalacia is a deficiency of
activated vi-tamin D (calcitriol), which promotes calcium absorption from the
gastrointestinal tract and facilitates mineralization of bone. The supply of
calcium and phosphate in the extracellular fluid is low. Without adequate
vitamin D, calcium and phosphate are not moved to calcification sites in bones.
Osteomalacia may result from failed calcium absorption
(eg, malabsorption syndrome) or from excessive loss of calcium from the body.
Gastrointestinal disorders (eg, celiac disease, chronic biliary tract
obstruction, chronic pancreatitis, small bowel resec-tion) in which fats are
inadequately absorbed are likely to produce osteomalacia through loss of
vitamin D (along with other fat-soluble vitamins) and calcium, the latter being
excreted in the feces with fatty acids. In addition, liver and kidney diseases
can produce a lack of vitamin D because these are the organs that con-vert
vitamin D to its active form.
Severe renal
insufficiency results in acidosis. The body uses available calcium to combat
the acidosis, and PTH stimulates the release of skeletal calcium in an attempt
to reestablish a physio-logic pH. During this continual drain of skeletal
calcium, bony fibrosis occurs and bony cysts form. Chronic glomerulonephritis,
obstructive uropathies, and heavy-metal poisoning result in a re-duced serum phosphate
level and demineralization of bone.
Hyperparathyroidism leads to skeletal decalcification and
thus to osteomalacia by increasing phosphate excretion in the urine. Prolonged
use of antiseizure medication (eg, phenytoin, pheno-barbital) poses a risk for
osteomalacia, as does insufficient vitamin D (dietary, sunlight).
The malnutrition type of osteomalacia (deficiency in
vitamin D often associated with poor intake of calcium) is a result of poverty,
food faddism, and lack of knowledge about nutrition. It occurs most frequently
in parts of the world where vitamin D is not added to food, where dietary
deficiencies exist, and where sun-light is rare.
A nutritious diet is
particularly important in elderly people. Ad-equate intake of calcium and
vitamin D is promoted. Because sunlight is necessary for synthesizing vitamin
D, people should be encouraged to spend some time in the sun. Prevention,
iden-tification, and management of osteomalacia in the elderly are es-sential
to reduce the incidence of fractures. When osteomalacia is combined with
osteoporosis, the incidence of fracture increases.
On x-ray, generalized
demineralization of bone is evident. Studies of the vertebrae may show a
compression fracture with indistinct vertebral end-plates. Laboratory studies
show low serum calciumand phosphorus levels and a moderately elevated alkaline
phos-phatase concentration. Urine excretion of calcium and creatinine is low.
Bone biopsy demonstrates an increased amount of osteoid.
The underlying cause of osteomalacia is corrected if
possible. If osteomalacia is caused by malabsorption, increased doses of
vita-min D, along with supplemental calcium, are usually prescribed. Exposure
to sunlight for ultraviolet radiation to transform a cho-lesterol substance
(7-dehydrocholesterol) present in the skin into vitamin D may be recommended.
If osteomalacia is
dietary in origin, a diet with adequate protein and increased calcium and
vitamin D is provided. The patient is instructed about dietary sources of
calcium and vitamin D (eg, for-tified milk and cereals, eggs, chicken livers).
The safe use of sup-plements is reviewed. Because high doses of vitamin D are
toxic and enhance the risk of hypercalcemia, the importance of moni-toring
serum calcium levels is stressed. Vitamin D raises the con-centrations of
calcium and phosphorus in the extracellular fluid and thus makes these ions
available for mineralization of bone.
Physical, psychological, and pharmaceutical measures are
used to reduce the patient’s discomfort and pain. When assisting the patient to
change positions, the nurse handles the patient gently, and pillows are used to
support the body. As the patient responds to therapy, the skeletal discomforts
Frequently, skeletal
problems associated with osteomalacia re-solve themselves when the underlying
nutritional deficiency or pathologic process is adequately treated. Long-term
monitoring of the patient is appropriate to ensure stabilization or reversal of
osteomalacia. Some persistent orthopedic deformities may need to be treated
with braces or surgery (eg, osteotomy may be per-formed to correct long bone
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