Health promotion, identification of people at risk for osteoporo-sis, and recognition of problems associated with osteoporosis form the basis for nursing assessment.
The health history includes questions concerning the
occurrence of osteopenia and osteoporosis and focuses on family history,
previous fractures, dietary con-sumption of calcium, exercise patterns, onset
of menopause, and use of corticosteroids as well as alcohol, smoking, and
caffeine in-take. Any symptoms the patient is experiencing, such as back pain,
constipation, or altered body image, are explored.
Physical examination may
disclose a fracture, kyphosis of the thoracic spine, or shortened stature.
Problems in mobility and breathing may exist as a result of changes in posture
and weak-ened muscles.
Based on the assessment data, the major nursing diagnoses
for the patient who experiences a spontaneous vertebral fracture related to
osteoporosis may include the following:
Deficient knowledge about the
osteoporotic process and treatment regimen
Acute pain related to fracture
and muscle spasm
Risk for constipation related
to immobility or development of ileus (intestinal obstruction)
Risk for injury: additional
fractures related to osteoporosis
The major goals for the
patient may include knowledge about os-teoporosis and the treatment regimen,
relief of pain, improved bowel elimination, and absence of additional
Patient teaching focuses
on factors influencing the development of osteoporosis, interventions to arrest
or slow the process, and measures to relieve symptoms. Adequate dietary or
supplemental calcium and vitamin D, regular weight-bearing exercise, and
modification of lifestyle, if necessary (eg, cessation of smoking, reduced use
of caffeine and alcohol), help to maintain bone mass. Diet, exercise, and
physical activity are the primary keys to de-veloping high-density bones that
are resistant to osteoporosis. It is emphasized that all people continue to
need sufficient calcium, vitamin D, sunshine, and weight-bearing exercise to
slow the pro-gression of osteoporosis.
Patient teaching related to medication therapy is
important. Because gastrointestinal symptoms and abdominal distention are
frequent side effects of calcium supplements, the nurse instructs the patient
to take the calcium supplements with meals. Also, it is important to teach the
patient to drink adequate fluids to re-duce the risk of renal calculi. If HRT
is prescribed, the nurse teaches the patient about the importance of compliance
and pe-riodic screening for breast and endometrial cancer. Alendronate requires
compliance: it must be taken on an empty stomach with water, and then the
patient must not consume foods or liquids or assume a reclining position for 30
to 60 minutes. Nasal calcitonin is administered daily, alternating the nares.
An adequate daily in-take of dietary calcium and vitamin D is needed along with
these prescribed medications.
Relief of back pain resulting from compression fracture
may be accomplished by resting in bed in a supine or side-lying position
several times a day. The mattress should be firm and nonsagging. Knee flexion
increases comfort by relaxing back muscles. Inter-mittent local heat and back
rubs promote muscle relaxation. The nurse instructs the patient to move the
trunk as a unit and to avoid twisting. The nurse encourages good posture and
teaches body mechanics. When the patient is assisted out of bed, a lum-bosacral
corset may be worn for temporary support and immobi-lization, although such a
device is frequently uncomfortable and is poorly tolerated by many elderly
patients. The patient gradu-ally resumes activities as pain diminishes.
Vertebroplasty may be considered for some patients.
Constipation is a
problem related to immobility and medications. Early institution of a
high-fiber diet, increased fluids, and the use of prescribed stool softeners
help to prevent or minimize consti-pation. If the vertebral collapse involves
the T10–L2 vertebrae, the patient may develop an ileus. The nurse therefore
monitors the patient’s intake, bowel sounds, and bowel activity.
Physical activity is
essential to strengthen muscles, improve bal-ance, prevent disuse atrophy, and
retard progressive bone de-mineralization. Isometric exercises can strengthen
trunk muscles. The nurse encourages walking, good body mechanics, and good
posture. Daily weight-bearing activity, preferably outdoors in the sunshine to
enhance the body’s ability to produce vitamin D, is encouraged. Sudden bending,
jarring, and strenuous lifting are avoided.
Elderly people fall frequently as a result of environmental haz-ards, neuromuscular disorders, diminished senses and cardio-vascular responses, and responses to medications. The patient and family need to be included in planning for care and preven-tive management regimens. For example, the home environment should be assessed for safety and elimination of potential hazards (eg, scatter rugs, cluttered rooms and stairwells, toys on the floor, pets underfoot). A safe environment can then be created (eg, well-lighted staircases with secure hand rails, grab bars in the bathroom, properly fitting footwear). Other safety devices, such as hip protectors (Fig. 68-10), have been used to diminish the impact of a fall and have reduced the hip fracture rate (Kannus et al., 2000).
Expected patient outcomes may include:
1) Acquires
knowledge about osteoporosis and the treatment regimen
a) States
relationship of calcium and vitamin D intake and exercise to bone mass
b) Consumes
adequate dietary calcium and vitamin D
c) Increases
level of exercise
d) Takes
prescribed hormonal or nonhormonal therapy
e) Complies
with prescribed screening and monitoring procedures
2) Achieves
pain relief
a) Experiences
pain relief at rest
b) Experiences
minimal discomfort during ADLs
c) Demonstrates
diminished tenderness at fracture site
3) Demonstrates
normal bowel elimination
a) Has
active bowel sounds
b) Reports
regular bowel movements
4) Experiences
no new fractures
a) Maintains
good posture
b) Uses
good body mechanics
c) Consumes
a diet high in calcium and vitamin D
d) Engages
in weight-bearing exercises (walks daily)
e) Rests
by lying down several times a day
f) Participates
in outdoor activities
g) Creates
a safe home environment
h) Accepts
assistance and supervision as needed
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