Metastatic bone disease (secondary bone tumor) is more
com-mon than any primary bone tumor. Tumors arising from tissues elsewhere in
the body may invade the bone and produce localized bone destruction (lytic
lesions) or bone overgrowth (blastic le-sions). The most common primary sites
of tumors that metasta-size to bone are the kidney, prostate, lung, breast,
ovary, and thyroid. Metastatic tumors most frequently attack the skull, spine,
pelvis, femur, and humerus and involve more than one bone (polyostotic).
A tumor in the bone causes the normal bone tissue to
react by os-teolytic response (bone destruction) or osteoblastic response (bone
formation). Primary tumors cause bone destruction, which weakens the bone,
resulting in bone fractures. Adjacent normal bone responds to the tumor by
altering its normal pattern of re-modeling. The bone’s surface changes, and the
contours enlarge in the tumor area.
Malignant bone tumors invade and destroy adjacent bone
tis-sue. Benign bone tumors, in contrast, have a symmetric, con-trolled growth
pattern and place pressure on adjacent bone tissue. Malignant invading bone
tumors weaken the structure of the bone until it can no longer withstand the
stress of ordinary use; pathologic fracture commonly results.
Patients with metastatic
bone tumor may have a wide range of as-sociated clinical manifestations. They
may be symptom free or have pain (mild and occasional to constant and severe),
varying degrees of disability and, at times, obvious bone growth. Weight loss,
malaise, and fever may be present. The tumor may be diag-nosed only after
pathologic fracture has occurred.
With spinal metastasis, spinal cord compression may
occur. It can progress rapidly or slowly. Neurologic deficits (eg, progressive
pain, weakness, gait abnormality, paresthesia, paraplegia, urinary retention,
loss of bowel or bladder control) must be identified early and treated with
decompressive laminectomy to prevent permanent spinal cord injury.
The differential
diagnosis is based on the history, physical exam-ination, and diagnostic
studies, including computed tomogra-phy, bone scans, myelography,
arteriography, MRI, biopsy, and biochemical assays of the blood and urine. Serum
alkaline phos-phatase levels are frequently elevated with osteogenic sarcoma.
With metastatic carcinoma of the prostate, serum acid phos-phatase levels are
elevated. Hypercalcemia is present with breast, lung, or kidney cancer bone
metastases. Symptoms of hyper-calcemia include muscle weakness, fatigue,
anorexia, nausea, vomiting, polyuria, cardiac dysrhythmias, seizures, and coma.
Hypercalcemia must be identified and treated promptly. Surgi-cal biopsy is
performed for histologic identification. Extreme care is taken during biopsy to
prevent seeding and resultant recurrence after excision of the tumor.
Chest x-rays are performed to determine the presence of
lung metastasis. Surgical staging of musculoskeletal tumors is based on tumor
grade and site (intracompartmental or extracompart-mental), as well as on
metastasis. Staging is used for planning treatment.
During the diagnostic period, the nurse explains the
diagnos-tic tests and provides psychological and emotional support to the
patient and family. The nurse assesses coping behaviors and en-courages use of
support systems.
The goal of primary bone
tumor treatment is to destroy or remove the tumor. This may be accomplished by
surgical excision (rang-ing from local excision to amputation and
disarticulation), radia-tion therapy if the tumor is radiosensitive, and
chemotherapy (preoperative, intraoperative [neoadjuvant], postoperative, and
adjunctive for possible micrometastases). Major gains are being made in the use
of wide bloc excision with restorative grafting technique. Survival and quality
of life are important considera-tions in procedures that attempt to save the
involved extremity.
Limb-sparing (salvage) procedures are used to remove the
tumor and adjacent tissue. A customized prosthesis, total joint arthroplasty,
or bone tissue from the patient (autograft) or from a cadaver donor (allograft)
replaces the resected tissue. Soft tis-sue and blood vessels may need grafting
because of the extent of the excision. Complications may include infection,
loosening or dislocation of the prosthesis, allograft nonunion, fracture,
devi-talization of the skin and soft tissues, joint fibrosis, and recur-rence
of the tumor. Function and rehabilitation after limb salvage depend on positive
encouragement and reducing the risk for complications.
Surgical removal of the tumor may require amputation of
the affected extremity, with the amputation extending well above the tumor to
achieve local control of the primary lesion.
Because of the danger of metastasis with malignant bone
tu-mors, combined chemotherapy is started before and continued after surgery in
an effort to eradicate micrometastatic lesions. The goal of combined
chemotherapy is greater therapeutic effect at a lower toxicity rate with
reduced resistance to the medications. There is an improved long-term survival
rate when a localized os-teosarcoma is removed and chemotherapy is initiated.
Soft tissue sarcomas are treated with radiation, limb-sparing excision, and
adjuvant chemotherapy.
The treatment of metastatic bone cancer is palliative.
The thera-peutic goal is to relieve the patient’s pain and discomfort while
promoting quality of life.
If metastatic disease weakens the bone, structural support
and stabilization are needed to prevent pathologic fracture. At times, large
bones with metastatic lesions are strengthened by prophy-lactic internal
fixation. Internal fixation of pathologic fractures, arthroplasty, or
methylmethacrylate (bone cement) reconstruc-tion minimizes associated
disability and pain. Patients with met-astatic disease are at higher risk for
pulmonary congestion, hypoxemia, deep vein thrombosis, and hemorrhage than are
other patients after orthopedic surgery.
Hypercalcemia results from breakdown of bone. It needs to
be recognized promptly. Treatment includes hydration with IV ad-ministration of
normal saline solution, diuresis, mobilization, and medications such as
bisphosphonates, pamidronate, and cal-citonin. Because inactivity leads to loss
of bone mass and in-creased calcium in the blood, the nurse assists the patient
to increase activity and ambulation.
Hematopoiesis is frequently disrupted by tumor invasion
of the bone marrow or by treatment (chemotherapy or radiation). Blood product
transfusions restore hematologic factors. Pain can result from multiple
factors, including the osseous metastasis, surgery, chemotherapy or radiation
side effects, and arthritis. Pain must be assessed accurately and managed with
adequate and ap-propriate opioid, nonopioid, and nonpharmaceutical
interven-tions. External beam radiation to involved metastasis sites may be
used. Patients with multiple bony metastases may achieve pain control with
systemically administered “bone-seeking” isotopes (eg, strontium 89).
Additional therapies are used to treat the original
cancer. Ra-diation and hormonal therapy may be effective in promoting healing
of osteolytic lesions. Chemotherapy is used to control the primary disease.
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