Organic loadings
Calculating the organic loadings for a given activated sludge
system is an important aspect of process control. Measuring the BOD of the
incoming wastewater gives a value for the amount of biodegradable matter
available for microbial use, which can be used together with an estimate of the
resident biomass to derive a relationship termed the food to micro-organism (F/M)
ratio. This, which is also sometimes known as the organic loading rate, is
given as follows:
The F/M ratio is a useful
indication of anticipated micro-organism growth and condition, a high F/M value
yielding rapid biomass increase, while a low one suggests little available
nutrients and consequently slow growth results. Clearly, the total active
biomass content in an activated sludge system, which is termed the mixed liquor
suspended solids (MLSS), is an important factor in process efficacy.
Accordingly, it is routinely measured at sewage works being important in the
calculation of the F/M ratio, which can be more properly defined as:
Although the preceding
systems are the most common forms likely to be seen in use, a number of other
systems exist which may sometimes be encountered, some of which will be briefly
outlined for the sake of completeness.
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